
Chinese companies unlikely to invest in India except Red Dot

 It is unlikely that after the attitude of India towards Chinese companies, Chinese investments would still want to go to India as most people seem to think, except probably Red Dot that has a particular fondness for India.

I believe companies like Xiaomi, which first invested in India in July 2014, about ten years ago, was at all aware of the difficult situation it would face recently doing business in India, by having issues regarding tax matters, probably under laws legislated retroactively to punish it.

Investors need to have bad experiences and precedents to become aware of the risks involved in investing in India. Now that they know, Chinese investors are not that foolish to continue pouring money into India and taking such risks. Those that were already there, making the most of a bad situation is the only alternative. They can divest in time when opportunities arise. 



Anonymous said...

Erh, Red Dot is not Chinese, right?

Anonymous said...

Many believe Red Dot is already Little India. Little India investing in big India sounds alright leh!

Anonymous said...

When cheated the first time, you are just being too honest and trusting.
When cheated the second time, you are being stupid.
When cheated the third time, you are stupid beyond hope.

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans are not Chinese, maybe angmoh or no race.