
Celebrating Singaporean - John Chen

John Chen the Singer I take my hat off to John Chen for doing something he loves. He was an academic turned politician and now turns singer. Go for it John, do the things that make you happy and enjoy life. Don't be a slave to money. How many people can take such a dramatic turn in life? Ok, he has made his dole. And that is exactly what making money is for, to earn enough to buy oneself the freedom to be what one wishes to be. I can see John Chen a happier person, more joyful and younger even. He is now sporting a new celebrity look, so different from his past expressionless, dull academic and politician image. Let's see more Singaporeans follow his happy path.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

My response:


Mockingbird said...

John Chen is probably walking in financial freedom now to be able to what he's doing. How many people can lay claim to that? Those who can walk in financial freedom will always far outnumber those who can't.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

> Those who can walk in financial freedom will always far outnumber those who can't. <

I think you mean it the other way around: those who don't have financial freedom outnumber those who do i.e. those who are financially free to do as they please are the minority.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he is so thick skin... Hahahahahaha...

PAP once (if not recalled wrongly) even goes to promote one ugly guy teacher about middle age to become a singing star (by record albums).

I was like... "wow, what fu(k is that..."

And did those monies come from...?

John Chen can't sing! But he probably would get the grassroots to buy up the albums... Last time PAp record one album badly sung so nobody buys and internally distributed. I also got one with me. Hahahahahaha...

Anyway, there are plenty of such incredible stories I got. Not surprise but... OMG.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

john chen is trying to show the way to the aged committee. musicians have a very long career life. we should train all our ah pehs and ah mas to become musicians.

you must see things positively, elfred.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi mockingbird,

this is a belated welcome. thought you have posted before.


Anonymous said...

Hs sure got plenty to throw... When as a MP, has it ever occurred to him to spend those monies he thrown into such ridiculous move for those now stuck in poverty... say, including those hundreds after hundred Mr mah's wonderful policies have helped destroyed?

This sort of MPs are what PAP is prefering...? Why be MP then? Go sing when he was younger lah...

What he wants to show? Show that Singapore gahmen like MP who has monies to make albums the market (other than grassroots and such channels) will not want and no monies for the people?

Is this still capitalist? Or just a show of aristocracy?

Anonymous said...

After Wee SK... we have John Chen.
Can't be bothered about face...

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

elfred, why are you so against a person who wants to self actualise? if i have made so much money and do not have to worry about money matters anymore, i might also want to cut my own cds. never mind if i croak. it is the satisfaction of doing it. anyway i will always be biased in my own judgement of how good i sign.

but here john chen has a company who believes in him and willing to sign him on. that shows that he has potential.

Anonymous said...

He was not an MP I won't matter if, say, like Geoge Soros made alot and spends on himself when people are dying out of poverty around him.

What he is doing is making PAP looks stupid in the selection. He has to be a aware of his own once MP status. How can he served a few years when people are getting so poor and jump and he still go sing when it is plain obvious he's not cut out to be a singer and people will think he spent to produce his own album to be sold via grassroots?
If he was not MP, of course no problem.

What he needs to produce is evidence that he is not paying for his singing and he is not letting gahmen machinery to absord his albums.

Just quite sad that PAP has become like this. John Chen obviously can't bothered about political sensitivity... and he was chosen to be MP. Yeah right...

Mps should be aware, if you cease to be MP and yet you go into publicity in such manner, expect problems. By the way, John can't sing. If signing him up would end up abusing status to the people. Got it?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...


he is no longer an MP and he should be free to let his hair down and enjoy himself. i will be worried if he does this when he is an MP. but if he has been a professional singer, then there is nothing wrong even if he is an MP. that is or was his profession.

what is this evidence of him paying for the album?

Anonymous said...

If Today's boss said he no money to give you for salary, and you almost go jump MRT...

Then he suddenly resigns...

Then he anyohow look cannot be Star one... then somehow or rather, of all the talents in the world, he is 'approached' by this music coy...

What do you think, Redbean?

I heard him sang on the news, I see his 'presentation'... Please lah... We have more Singapore idols no 4 no 5 no 6 and so on who can sing and dance better.

And since he has no market. Where would the people expect his market to come from? WP grassroots? Hahaha...

Are you not asking a silly question here? You can even get Wang Wen Yong if mediacorp allows. Why John Chen?

No offence here. He shouldn't be an MP. If he hadn't been one, who'd bother about him sing or not?

Not only cost is rising and Mr Mah is producing hundreds of homeless people with more found on MRT tracks and a raise of gahmen salary... John should come clean with deal and who he intends to sell his albums to.

Obviously, the moment his albums are thrown into the market as a former MP, people will start quietly making noise about PAP. No way you can defend John in such manner.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

defending john chen.

looks is no longer important in the media industry. in fact ugly is attractive to some. i am not saying john is ugly. he is better looking than many of the celebrities. and if their faces can be accepted, john will definitely look more handsome.

packaging, a little lifting here and there, a little botox, a little colour and some hair growth will turn john into a heartthrob among the aunties.

the makeup artists and hairstylists can work wonders on a face.

and give him a more colourful name will complete the image of a cool singer.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha... Thta's some sense of humor...

Come to think of it, it doesn't matter now actually, looking the way PAP treats politics now, we don't even need what makeup artist.


The concern here is with this type of MPs the party is now infamous for, very hard to expect much from them.

Yeah, let's drop d subject and wait for more 'interesting' happenings. Maybe some MPs can retire and build the Centre of Whores together as well. Hahahaha...

After all, they retire liaoz...

Frankly, not my business. :)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

come on elfred,

the mps are the creme de la creme of our society. the best of the very best. anyone in parliament are a few notches above the rest of the singaporeans.

so don't be envious lah.

as for john, he can teach, he can do business, he can be mp and now he can sing. multi talented. he is a deserving talent. he deserves to enjoy life and do his passionate thing.

Anonymous said...

Envious? Hahaha... I won't be envious of Olsen, why envious of John Chen? Not as if I will do what he is doing now if I were an MP.

I suppose this word 'envious' is used too conveniently.

As long as he don't go after the grassroots to sell his albums...

Now PM Lee's daughter trying in producing films... Hahaha... But if she really have the interest and isn't the WSM type, I can teach her a few tricks.

Zzz... ...

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I sill don't know who this dude is. I tried looking him up on the net, to get a audio sample of his music, but was unsuccessful.

Elfred, why so heated up over this fella? Relac lah.

Anonymous said...

Nay, just me talking cock...
At least I show a bit concern. Hahaha...
Elfred now considered retiree liaoz... sometimes come see Reddie here I talk cock a bit. In case Reddie miss my big talks gets too lonely. Hahahaha...

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