
pay rise for civil servants

Ministerial, civil service salaries expected to go up Chee Hean made this belated announcement yesterday. It is high time that a salary revision takes place before they lose more talented people to the private sector. I bet with the kind of starting salaries for new job entrants they are definitely having difficulties recruiting or at best getting the leftovers. The resignation at entry grade is a startling 25% while the overall number has risen from 4.8% to 5.7%. But no figures were given on the resignation rate at the senior civil servant level. Can't recollect any resignation at these levels except for retirement. Chee Hean also said that the increment will not be across the board but be determined by performance and those jobs that have been lagging behind the private sector. A good measurement of this is the resignation rate. It will be interesting to know the number of senior civil servants who have resigned to join the private sector voluntarily.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Now we know where the increased GST goes.

So much for all the fancy words.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

pay rise for civil servants and gst are separate issues. gst is to help the lower income group.

payrise is to retain talents and to keep pace with market forces.

Anonymous said...

Told you people before...
In any case... Teo is not telling the honest truth...
There are some civil service already so exceeding market rate that still got increment...
Internally, that offsets the GST increase for the civil servants while expect the common people to offset their own.
What you know?
Where wealth is relative, +2GST to people and -2GST for civil servants makes civil servants 2+2=4% more well off. It's a silent transfer of wealth.
Plus the 1% corporate tax. One of the major beneficiary would be the GLCs. With that when most SME won't get any difference, GLCss got a 1+1=2% better off.
Examine the the budget released as grants...
There are so many without homes because some smartie let the banks do the loans. And how have the budget help those homeless? They just push them into poverty cycle all hack care...
Redbean, you are getting abit of not yourself nowadays. When have you become an obedient civil servant?
What bullshit talents they are retaining when they run the country like this???

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

my apologies elfred,

you made your point : )

Anonymous said...

Some people would do anything just to enrich themselves.
How sad. Singapore has become like this~