
Why F15 and F16 are obsolete fighter aircraft?


There is this narrative that the F15s and F16s are now obsolete warplanes, not good enough, and thus billions of dollars must be spent on the latest military toys, the F35s. Where did this narrative originate from and what is the basis to say that these two, once best warplanes of the USA, are now not able to perform their roles to keep Singapore safe?

It is understandable that the Americans would want to retire these ageing warplanes and go for new warplanes. The Americans must always have warplanes that are the most advanced vis a vis China or Russia. And it is true that the F15 and F16 are not in the same league as the newest warplanes from Russia and China. When air superiority is concerned, these two planes were no match for the Russians and the Chinese. If they are, there will be no need to replace them, to pull them out of service.

Another key reason peculiar to the Americans is the interests of the Military Industrial Complex. They need the American military to purchase newer and more expensive warplanes to keep the war industry in the pink of health. One can imagine how many billions or trillions would be spent to replace the F15s and F16s when the number needed would be in the thousands. The Americans are so desperate that they even stop producing their supposedly most advanced F22s. This is simply a very good business strategy.

Why are the F15 and F16 also not good enough for Singapore's defence? In this area, actually it is a case of relativity. It is what a country has vis a vis its presumed enemies. Who are Singapore's potential enemies and what kind of warplanes are they having that can overrun Singapore with air superiority? If the enemies did not have an air force, actually a few pieces of WW2 Mustangs or Spitfires, or the Japanese Zeros would be good enough, superior enough. 

If Singapore's enemies are like China, Russia or America, with more superior warplanes than the F15 and F16, then it is obvious that Singapore must possess something better. But if the potential enemies did not have anything better than the F15 and F16, is it reasonable to say that the F15 and F16 are not good enough, obsolete? Taiwan needs something better than the second hand F16s they have. But the Americans would not sell them and conned them to believe that F16s are good enough.

When the Brits and the European colonialists were conquering the world, they only need some antique gunboats. The Brits defeated the Qing Dynasty with more powerful cannons on their gunboats as their cannons were more superior to the Qing Dynasty. The superiority of weapons is also a case of relativity.

Are the F15 and F16 warplanes less able and inferior to the warplanes of our potential enemies? Oh, if our potential enemies are China, Russia, or even the USA, then the answer is obvious. The irony is that Ukraine or Zelensky thinks that F16 is a game changer, ie F16 is better than whatever that the Russians have. And the Americans are also telling Zelensky the same story. So a few second hand F16s, not the latest version, are now in Ukraine and Zelensky now has high hopes that he will win the war against the Russians.

How many think this is foolish thinking? How many think the Americans are conning Zelensky? How many think Zelensky knows what F16 is all about? What is the lie? Who is lying about the F16? The F16 is also to win the war against Russia?


Anonymous said...

Why think until so complicated? Just get a Nuclear Missile planted in Istana & tell the whole world we are a nuclear superpower, end of story. No need for compulsory NS, No need to spend so much money every year on Military toys. The excess manpower can then take up jobs that can be vacated by asking all FT to go home to look for employment. More money can then be spend on making sillyporean life better. Huat Ah...

Virgo49 said...

Right you are Anon 10.18

Now especially Russia willing to sell any Necular Arsenals to any country that are able to stand up against the Imperialists.

Why bother on the UN Lame Nonsense Charter on Neculars Controls?

Why they, the others could have their Necular others cannot?

Fighting against one with a gun and you just a knife?

Putin is not going tp follow their Rules Based Nonsense Orders by the UAss!

Russia is sending their Necular even to their Bloc allies near the Euro Nuts and even to Iran.

Two, three or even more can play the same games.

If the UAss could install theirs on the Daft Pinoys soils so can Russia even on Cuba.


Just to add unfortunately Sinking Land too much of a doggie to the dumb UAss could NOT have the offers from China and Russia.

So poor Sinkies still have to be brainwashed and drilled to obey the Papies in the National Slavery

Anonymous said...

Of course, F16s are obsolete. Otherwise why send them to Ukraine. They have been sending outdated weapons to Ukraine for Russian target practice. In this way, the USA Military Industrial Complex can make new weapons to sell to their cronies to rip them off, just like oil.