
Japan and South Korea are not friends but colonies of the USA

 The Japanese and South Koreans love jumping from the frying pan into the fire. The fact that they fell for the USA's trap of luring them to Arizona to invest billions in chip manufacturing, to be able to sell only in the USA, is already testament to their short-sighted thinking. They should know that being friends with the USA means having to follow their dictates, no escaping the iron chains around their necks.

Morris Chang, the TSMC founder clearly mentioned that investing in Arizona was a very big mistake for TSMC. Chip foundries main requirements are many, and among that are lots of perfectly clean water, which Arizona clearly lacks. The water in that region is shared by many competing states and allotted by agreements. Which is more important when residential use is on the line and competing with factories over scarce resources? Let us wait for the residents to decide among themselves when the shit hits the fan.

The second problem is such expansion of the chip manufacturing sector clearly lacks the skilled engineers in the USA to run the plants and engineers have to be imported from Taiwan, resulting in many other problems such as wages differential and working conditions. The projects are failing even before they are in full production.

Another problem is the Chinese market, that will be closed to them in terms of price competitiveness and China's plan to migrate to domestic chips. Such expansion of chip production in the USA needs a market like China. The stark reality is clearly not good for TSMC, Samsung and others, and even for domestic USA chip manufacturers. They killed the goose that laid the golden eggs themselves. Now it is only what the Chinese use to say 'chee tang' left or chicken eggs which means zero or nothing.

For Japanese and South Korean shipbuilders going to set up shipyards in USA just to cater to the USA's military requirements is a stretch too far. They cannot survive on that alone, and cannot compete on the global market against Chinese shipbuilders. Will they take the bait? 



Anonymous said...

Japanese humiliated by Western diplomats

Senior Western diplomats representing Washington and London in Japan will not attend a ceremony in Nagasaki on Friday commemorating the victims of the 1945 US atomic bombing, because organizers declined to invite the Israeli ambassador.

British Ambassador Julia Longbottom announced her decision to skip the upcoming event at a press briefing on Tuesday. She lashed out at the move by city authorities to exclude Israel from the ceremony. Japanese officials said in June that they wished to pressure the Jewish state to seek a ceasefire in its military operation in Gaza.

US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel will likewise skip this week’s event. Representatives of Australia, Italy, Canada, and the European Union will reportedly follow suit.

Anonymous said...

Of course, the doggies will have to follow. They have to, because the Whites are ganging up against other non-Whites going forward. Japan thinks it is white, but it is gravely mistaken. The Whites are just using Japan against China. Nothing else matters.

Actually, the boycott is not because of the decision not to invite the Israeli ambassador. That is just a peripheral issue. It is more because of the significance of the event, seen to be opening old wounds caused by the USA among the survivors of the victims.

Anonymous said...

Japan is meant to be humiliated. Humiliated by the USA with two nukes. Humiliated by South Korea taking over its consumer electronics sector. Going to be humiliated by China taking over its vehicle industry. And now humiliated by the Whites going to boycott the commemorative atomic bombing event in Nagasaki. Here again, you can see the evil hands of the Brits and the USA masterminding and creating all the troubles all over the world. When I say the USA, UK and Israel are the real axis of evil, I am not joking.

Anonymous said...

Singapore joins India military exercise to counter China

The first multi-nation air combat exercises hosted by India took off at Sulur in Tamil Nadu on Tuesday, with dozens of combat aircraft from different parts of the world scheduling to touch down there.

According to foreign media outlets on Wednesday, the drills, named Tarang Shakti, will see the participation of 10 countries with their air assets.

The first phase of the drills is to be conducted from Tuesday to August 14, with Germany, France, Spain and the UK war-gaming alongside India, media reported.

The second phase is scheduled to take place in Jodhpur, in northern Rajasthan state will see the participation of the US, Australia, Singapore, Greece, and the United Arab Emirates.

Italian media outlet Le Formiche commented on Tuesday that the goal of the drills is to develop cooperation with partners in the Asia-Pacific region "at a time when tensions with China are at an all-time high."

No matter how many countries conspire to demonstrate or pressure China, China remains unfazed with its current military strength and political influence, says Fu Qianshao, a Chinese military aviation expert.

While the drills are considered to be the layout of "containing China," Chinese military analysts stressed no matter how many countries conspire to pressure China, China remains unfazed. They called this military show "just a lot of noise with little results."

The Times of India apparently tries to portray India as a formidable power in the Asia-Pacific region by disclosing Wednesday that in all, 67 fighters and military aircraft from those 10 countries and observers from another 18, are scheduled to take part in Tarang Shakti. Also, India plans to deploy 75 to 80 fighters, aircraft and helicopters for the exercise.

Anonymous said...

Just look at how many gold medals India won in the Olympics....want to compete with China?

Anonymous said...

I cannot help laughing when military analyst said that China cares two hoots about such exercises when it is 'just a lot of noise with little results'.

However, even the noise does not faze China. Who are they trying to scare? Probably just the birds. Even scarecrows can do a better job of scaring the birds without the noise.

Anonymous said...

For India, coming in fourth place is a celebration of sorts, not to talk about gold medals.