
New 6th Day War against the US, UK, France and Israel Axis of Evil...in Israel

 The Israelis, USA and UK are the real axis of evil, with France becoming the quartet of evil, should realize that this is not the era of the 1967 Six Day War, where they were able to ride roughshod over the Arab states, primarily Egypt, Syria and Jordan, which were all militarily very weak in every quarter at that juncture.

The Six Day War was actually the Arab States fighting against the might of USA, UK, France and Israel, with all their aerial superiority, not just Israel alone. The USA's axis of evil must not forget that this is the era of missiles and drones, needing no pilots or planes, which Iran, in particular is no pushover.

Trying to annihilate Iran and control a region as wide and diverse as the Middle East is a pipe dream. Like China in the last century, there will be widespread uprising to get rid of Israel for good. This will be like stirring a hornet's nest. Arabs and Islamic states do not forgive or forget so easily. Just look at Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda and ISIS. They fight on against all odds and cannot be killed just by taking out their leaders. When death is no deterrent in Islam, the danger is even more difficult to endure.

This will be a multi-front war against Israel, unlike the Six Day War fought mainly over the Sinai Desert. Missiles and drones will land on Israel proper and will overwhelm the 'Iron Dome's' ability to defend. Israel needs the airpower support of the USA and its allies to help its defense as it did in April 2024 against Iranian missiles and drones.

Meanwhile, Russian is now stepping in to support the Arabs as reported. This changes the complexity of the game. Russia has a presence in Syria already since September 2015, a thorn in the side of the USA trying to get at its oil. God knows what will happen if Israel or the USA were to hit Russian Military targets over there in retaliation. This will be further escalation.



Anonymous said...

How come the Israelis, supported by the USA. UK and France cannot win the war in Gaza after almost ten months? It should take them a day or two to win, right? It ought to be a piece of cake in theory.

Six days to win a war against a coalition of Arab states ought to be more difficult than winning against one party - Hamas, right? Oops, do not look down on Hamas fighters just bearing small arms. The Taliban did that against the biggest military power on earth - twenty years in the making.

How long is Israel prepared to get entangled with Hamas in Gaza? How long is Israel going to last taking on Hezbollah? And how long is Israel going to live with the illusion of controlling the whole Middle East with the support of the Axis of Evil, USA, UK and France?

Can Israel really think it can control Iran even if it wins? The Axis of Evil does not even have an answer against the Houthis, that have been fighting against Saudi Arabia for years before the peace deal brokered by the Chinese between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran still continues to support the Houthis with weapons, not to fight Saudi Arabia, but to fight a new enemy - Israel and the Axis of Evil.

Anonymous said...

The Islamic States are becoming more united since the Israel/Hamas conflict erupted. What the USA has done by supporting Israel has a lot to do with it. It may look great talking about iron chains and all out support but will ultimately again be shooting the USA's own foot.

This is just a replay of what the USA did to Russia to push Russia towards China. Now the duo is a big problem for the USA. With all the top geopolitical advisers inside the Biden Administration, they are making one misstep after another.

Not only that, but the USA's geopolitical game is alienating even allies like those in the EU. They have been sacrificed for the interest of the USA alone. What does the EU hope to gain by antagonizing Russia? They lost all the available cheap energy to run their factories and heat their homes. And manufacturing is leaving the EU in droves. Are these worth the sacrifice to make just to please the USA?