
Only no talent US and Singapore would hire Indian CEOs to run their big corporations

 China will be doomed if it hires Indians to run their banks and global technology giants. Chinese banks run by Chinese are among the biggest in the world today, a feat that the USA held over the decades. Huawei, BYD, DJI are all run by Chinese engineers and scientist and have flourished and even done better than anyone else in the world.

So, is there any compelling reason for China to hire Indian CEOs to run their already highly successful banks and companies? The hiring of Indian CEOs probably is the reason for the decline of the USA generally.

Indians running Chinese banks will probably run them into the ground like they did in India. The Indian CEOs running Chinese banks in China may even entice them to open more branches in India, to be sold to Indian conglomerates like TATA later on or forced to take over failing Indian banks. Or the Indian Government may toggle their banking laws to take over Chinese bank branches and their assets or levied heavy fines to force them out of business in India.

Indians running Huawei or BYD will probably make them end up like Boeing or Intel, suffering failures one venture after another. Looks like the stranded astronauts on the International Space Station are not coming back to earth and will die of hunger soon. Russia is not going to help for geopolitical reasons. China is already banned from the ISS, a real blessing in disguise as no one can complain about China not giving any help.

How did USA astronauts return from the moon more than 60 years ago is indeed a mystery.



Anonymous said...

There is talk that those stranded astronauts will only be able to return in February next year. Perhaps time for them to build another
Starliner to fetch them back. Their remains perhaps.

Putin must be sniggering behind his desk. Why does the USA want to do with the junk that Russia discarded? Oh, they are perhaps combing the ISS to gather knowledge and clues on how to build another to counter China's Tiangong Space Station.

No talent USA? Never mind about that. Just give them dope and they will perform exceptionally well and demolish the opposition. After all, the USA relies on its 'exceptionalism' to put down others. It is their turf and no one else can venture into.

Anonymous said...

Actually India could help. Use the rope trick to extend the rope to reach the ISS. It might work when all else fails!