
Israel and the American Axis of Evil would be bankrupt by a protracted war in the Middle East

 How come the Israelis, supported by the USA. UK and France cannot win the war in Gaza after almost ten months? It should take them a day or two to win, right? It ought to be a piece of cake in theory.

Six days to win a war against a coalition of Arab states ought to be more difficult than winning against one party - Hamas, right? Oops, do not look down on Hamas fighters just bearing small arms. The Taliban did that against the biggest military power on earth - twenty years in the making.

How long is Israel prepared to get entangled with Hamas in Gaza? How long is Israel going to last taking on Hezbollah? And how long is Israel going to live with the illusion of controlling the whole Middle East with the support of the Axis of Evil, USA, UK and France?

Can Israel really think it can control Iran even if it wins? The Axis of Evil does not even have an answer against the Houthis, that have been fighting against Saudi Arabia for years before the peace deal brokered by the Chinese between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Iran still continues to support the Houthis with weapons, not to fight Saudi Arabia, but to fight a new enemy - Israel and the Axis of Evil. 



Anonymous said...

The USA is now trying to push Saudi Arabia to take care of the Houthis by hanging a carrot for the Saudis to bite. This is evident from their stance of going back to allow the sale of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia to fight the Houthis. The Saudis better know what this is going to lead to and not try to scuttle the peace deal with Iran. Like the Korean Peninsula, this is going to lead to no peace ever on the Arabian landscape. But it will suit the purpose of the USA and cater to its interest of keeping the Arabs divided.

Iran will supply more lethal weapons to the Houthis if the USA tries to instigate the Saudis to betray the peace deal with Iran. This is the evil plan of the USA. The USA and Israel are dead set to escalate the conflict in the Middle East, thinking they have the upper hand with their warships threatening.

To be honest, that assassination of the Hamas leader was a no brainer and just being planned to escalate the conflict, which if Iran retaliates, will give justification for the USA to target Iran's nuclear facilities, which both USA and Israel were eyeing for decades. Let us say the USA and Israel managed to do that. Russia using similar justification over the actions of the USA and Israel can likewise provide Iran with nuclear weapons at warp speed on a platter? When that happens, isn't Iran going to be in possession of nukes that the USA and Israel is trying to prevent out of fear? Shooting its own feet is becoming a regular habit of the USA.

Anonymous said...

For once I respect Japan for standing up to the Whites by refusing to invite Israel to the Nagasaki Nuclear Bomb commemoration ceremony, despite the threat of boycotting the event by the G7. Those useless doggies serves no purpose being there except making trouble.

Actually, I do not understand at all why Japan wants to invite the culprit that did it to attend. For what? They did it and they are not repenting. Still claiming that the two nukes was to stop more people getting killed. How many did they killed dropping those two bombs they just conveniently do not want to talk about it or mention it. All they wanted was to be ahead of the Soviet Union and using the Japanese as guinea pigs.

Anonymous said...

Knowing the Japanese, this American crime against the Japanese people must be repaid one day. The Japanese are bidding their time, smiling and bowing to the evil Americans, Japan being occupied by hundreds of American military bases, like a colony.
Once the Americans make a slip, thinking that it is safe to let the Japanese free, the Japanese would make sure Americans blood will spill to avenge the hundreds of thousands of Japanese women and children that died in the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Anonymous said...

Only the low life in the Philippines, South Korea and some Asean states would sleep in bed with the murderers that massacred their people.