
Americans helping India to build castles in the air

 Every country wants to progress like China. So does India. But India should just keep its lofty ambitions close to its chest instead of boasting about things that, on the basis of their present circumstances, impossible to achieve.

Perhaps the West is urging and egging India on to counter China and giving India misleading cues that will only make India the laughingstock of the world. There is yet another site claiming that India will be become even greater than China. I just wonder what they mean, but Indians in India must be lapping it up. Greater in population is a fact accompli, and everyone knows that. Greater in other areas is still a long way off. GDP, infrastructures, manufacturing, innovations are clear examples of how far India needs to change to pose any semblance of a chance to counter China. Building castles in the air is one thing, getting the castle built is a different thing altogether.



Anonymous said...

The Indians swallowed Biden's India/Middle East/Europe Corridor hype - line, hook and sinker. Now Biden is history. And the India/Middle East/Corridor is history as well.

I do not think Trump, if he wins, is interested in such nonsense. Trump is all about USA first and Make American Even Greater now. This is his version two castle building on steroid.

For all we know, Trump may even lose his pants, with all the propaganda against him surfacing. That assassination attempt was supposed to improve his chances, but it seems nothing of the sort is happening.

If Kamala Harris wins, Indians in India will be making a song and dance again as they did with Rishi Sunak years ago. Will Harris make India Great Again. Oh, sorry, India is already great according to the Indians themselves.

Fancy Modi asking the new caretaker Prime Minster of Bangladesh to protect Hindus in Bangladesh, a country with 91% Islamist. Bangladesh caretaker PM should likewise ask Modi to protect Muslims in India.

Anonymous said...

Bangladesh was East Pakistan formerly, two Muslim states on either side of India. The history between Muslims and Hindus have always been confrontational in India. The same kind of history between India and Pakistan.

Muslims in Bangladesh are going after Hindus now. This will be a problem for the new caretaker Prime Minister to resolve. He just threatened to resign if Hindus are being attacked and not stopped.