
India should move away from its pre-occupation with countering China

 India should move away from its pre-occupation with countering China or wanting to be the next superpower and pandering to the USA's dictate. It is an unproductive mindset, tinged with jealousy and bruised ego.

India should just concentrate internally with developments and eradicating poverty among its people. Forget about what the USA is telling it to do and that is using it to counter China in everything, even in BRICS. Progress will naturally follow when conditions are favorable for investments to flow in. There is no short cut to grow the economy. Trying to stifle and decimate foreign investments by punishing them with retractive laws or forcing them to come under the control of domestic Indian conglomerates is a self-defeating move.

The biggest hindrance and roadblock to progress is India's archaic laws inherited from the British. The British system is a failed system, which is why Rishi Sunak can become PM, and which is why the British Empire has shrunk to what it is today, becoming a minnow trying to swim among the big fish.



Anonymous said...

Agreed. India should instead focus it attention on taking over Sinkieland. Enhance the CECA agreement to allow for Indian top talent to run in Sinkieland election. Allow for India companies to acquire sinkieland GLC. Within 5 years, the whole island will belong to India & it can part it powerful aircraft carrier in changi naval base.

Anonymous said...

Right, this is the Indian Plan to take over Sinkieland. Oops, not, this is the Plan to let India take over Sinkieland.

Anonymous said...

Better for India to plan to take over China - inheriting the Industrial over-capacity and logistics, the all-conquering EV hub, the most competitive shipyards, the abundant STEM graduates, the well-built HSR, the world-class infrastructures, the world's second largest GDP, and the well-established and efficient CCP Government as well. India should throw out its democratic system stifling its growth and adopt the Chinese model.

After all, China's population is reported to be declining fast, so just should fit in nicely for India's expanding population. That will really be utilizing 'India's Population Dividend' to good effect instead of having headaches to resolve the problem. And there is the huge land mass in China for Indians to build, since they love building so much as displayed in Sinkieland, but strangely not in India. Sinkieland cannot match such a big land mass as China and needing to keep filling up of the surrounding seas.

Moreover, the USA is very friendly with India and may allow India, when it is in control of China, to be in a position to overtake the USA without the USA being jealous and raising all the tariffs and provocations against China. It is a win-win situation for India, with all ready-made goodies by China delivered on a platter, instead of India just drinking too much toddy and having wet dreams to overtake China and become a superpower.

Modi should aim high, not aim to sink.