
Anglo-Saxon Whites still believe in their doctrine of 'divide and rule'

Nothing is clearer than what they did to China during the last century, trying to break up China among their cronies and hoping to rule China the same way as they did in Africa. It worked very well in Africa for centuries. But it failed in China. And their countering today is to have a second bite of the cherry to put China down for them to control. That is a wet dream, and more a nightmare if they were to try.

Karma is now working to divide the USA - internally with political infighting and polarization, and externally with its unfriendly and gangster like behavior that puts others off. But before any conclusion, Karma is already dividing the USA from the Global South countries, with the USA losing more friends and making more enemies. Russia was supposed to be isolated. But today, who are Russia's friends? The whole Global South countries are. And how many are there, and is Russia really isolated as claimed?

The USA is losing influence in ASEAN too, a region it used to be seen favorably when compared to China decades ago. Now ASEAN is more in favor of having China as the power to live with rather than the USA. And why not? China is not playing one ASEAN country against another. China has never dabbled in ASEAN affairs or try to promote communism in Southeast Asia after the fall of South Vietnam and during the era of Deng Xiaoping. It was always a pragmatic co-operation in trade and relations, between China and ASEAN, not instigation for war and sabotage. And today, China does not have to be seen as trying to protect communist ideology against democratic ideals, leaving the verdict to the world at large to judge.

Internally, the USA is one big mess - debts, homelessness, drug infestation, political polarization and battling de-dollarization. Denial about all these issues is not going to make them go away. Kicking the can further down the road just make the problem more difficult and impossible to be resolved. Will the USA eventually break up like the Soviet Union? 



Anonymous said...

Would love to see the sickest country on earth break up via a civil war and all the stolen lands returned to their rightful owners. Will have to be relabelled TSA, tiny states of America.

Anonymous said...

US-plotted color revolution in Bangladesh and Venezuela now happening . ..

Anonymous said...

The USA is plotting color revolution in every country that it cannot control or agree with. Of course, Russia and China are also its target, but the two countries are out of their reach, using regime changing ideas that cannot succeed.

The USA was cultivating their stooge, Alexei Navalny, for years to undertake the mission in Russia. His death was a big blow to the USA and all the resources they poured into Russia to support Navalny.

The USA was also cultivating radicalized Uyghur Muslims to conduct terrorist activities in Xinjiang, in conjunction with the protest in Hong Kong to create chaos, hoping this will spread into Mainland China. It was also a wasted effort and resources. China has now tightened its laws in Hong Kong to prevent another attempt, which China knows will be made in time to come.

Pakistan and Thailand were victims of recent color revolution. Pakistan fell for it with the removal of Imran Khan and being replaced by a stooge of the USA, just like Zelensky in Ukraine. Thailand did not succumb, as the Thai Military was, and is, still instrumental in controlling the situation.

So, which other countries are the USA working their evil stuff today? Iran is high on their agenda and already attempts have been made earlier, while Myanmar is another target. But as I always say, these two countries have a strong military presence keeping a watch over, so the USA just will have to keep working and trying to instigate unrest, with the CIA and USA funded NGOs working hard on the ground.

In any country there will always be traitors and opposition elements willing to sell out the country and help with color revolution, hoping to seize power. There is a saying that 'money talks and bullshit walks'. Other than the US$300 million that the USA is using to generate propaganda, how much funding does the USA Government plough into conducting color revolution by the CIA and NGOs is anybody's guess. The hundreds of billions unaccounted for by the Pentagon is a very key indicator and a place to start with.