
Russia and China should expand their military co-operation in more countries around the world.

 A few Russian warships and submarines around Venezuela will deter the USA from acting hostile like 'gangsters without morals' trying to steal the Venezuelan oil by force. What Russia did in Syria prevented the USA from taking over the oil. Forget about Western fact checking and claiming otherwise. The USA wanted to control the oil in Syria, which is as good as trying to steal the oil, nothing more, nothing less.

Let me quote Robert de Niro about Trump again - 'Even gangsters have morals'. I think that quote should apply to all USA politicians, Republicans and Democrats alike such as Clinton, Obama and Biden inclusive.

Venezuela is as good a foothold for Russia as Cuba and with today's missile range, that is going to be a good geopolitical move for Russia. What the USA can do in Europe, Russia should do likewise in Central and South America. In fact, Russia and China should expand their military co-operation in more countries around the world.

Do people realize that the USA and the West is discreetly trying to create friction between Russia and China by claiming that Russia and China are vying for influence over North Korea. Such propaganda serves the motive of trying to create in people's mind that Russia and China are not as co-operative as they pretend to be. And that is how the USA propaganda machine generates its propaganda to create friction. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the inevitable direction to take for Russia, China, North Korea and Iran for a start. Military co-operation, with an Article 5 touch, used by NATO, where an attack on one is an attack against all.

It is not a question of should. It must be done immediately when the Anglo-Saxon Whites are ganging up to confront the Global South over de-dollarization moves that they feared the most.

The Anglo-Saxon Whites greatest fear is losing their hegemony provided by the USA's cover. Losing the USA hegemony is as bad as the death knell for the Whites to control the world, a mindset that they had planned for over the centuries.

Today's fight back by the rest of the non-White world is spearheaded by Russia and China, both powers in their own right. Any other country taking the initiative would have ended like Iraq and Libya.

And what good fortune that China did not break up during the last century under siege by the eight nations which includes Japan. Fortunate also that Russia did not collapse under the onslaught of sanctions by the USA and the West over Ukraine. The most significant development must be the ever-closing relations between Russia and China, all thanks to the USA. It must be God's will against the evil designers.