
2025 - What are the Americans going to infect or attack the world with?

 2025 is coming, and another pandemic, slated to erupt from Brazil, according to clairvoyant Bill Gates. How come he could not forecast the latest digital outage caused by CrowdStrike updating its system using Windows platform is funny indeed.

That digital outage might also be a 'misstep', or a trial run engineered to see how much damage can be caused particularly to Russia and China, LOL. It was a great disappointment that Russia suffered no ill effects, while China also got off lightly, with only those foreign entities using the Windows operating platform getting hit. The perpetrators must be wondering how they are going to target Russia and China and will have to work furiously to overcome the problem.

For all we know, Russia and China may already have beaten the USA in their cyberwarfare mission, another sector that is exposing the USA's friability, though they still maintain in their superiority in that sector. In the war in Ukraine, the Russians were reported to have jammed the GPS signals of their drones and missiles, rendering them ineffective. And if the Ukrainians were using DJI drones as reported, it will be a walk in the park for the Russians to jam them as well, having Chinese expertise to help them.

Now the USA is realizing that leaving tons of military equipment for the Taliban in Afghanistan is coming back to haunt them. All the secrets built into those weapons and operation strategies have been exposed. Likewise, all the weapons that the USA and the West sent into Ukraine and captured by the Russians are revealing their secrets which the Russians are capitalizing on in building countering measures. Russia is waiting to capture a F35. That will be a game changer indeed.



Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

The Cyber Warfares of Russia and China's Cyber Satellite Systems are far more superior than the UAss and their Western Cronies including Japan combined.

So wanted to fight Russia and China ah?

They shall annihilate you all to dust.

Virgo49 said...

2025 - COVID 2025.

So many Viruses Labs as discovered by the Russians in Urukiane.

China too trusting allowed the Satan's Americunts to have their Labs in the Mainland as Researches.

Researches deadly viruses

Anonymous said...

Don't forget, sinkieland have lot of pharma companies investment. This factory could be biolab in disguise. The angmo could use sinkies to test drug that specifically target chinese.