
Ukraine War - No one can stop this war, only the American Devil can

SEOUL: “Russia is so dependent on China right now that one phone call from President Xi Jinping would solve this crisis,” stated Finnish President Alexander Stubb when discussing the Ukraine war last week.

"If he (Xi) were to say ‘time to start negotiating peace’, Russia would be forced to do that," Stubb said in an interview with Bloomberg. "They would have no other choice."

The statement assumes two things here. First, China can push Russia to abandon its invasion of Ukraine. Second, it may want to do so. Both assumptions are wrong. Dylan Motin CNA

Actually the third assumption by the author is also wrong. Dylan Motin thinks that if it is in China's interest to stop the war, China would be able to stop it. Every western journalists, analysts are saying about the same thing, some even alleged that China is responsible for this war but refusing to look at the real Devil that started this war and wanted this war to go on forever.

The Ukraine War is not a Russian Ukrainian War. It is an American War against Russia. Ukraine is just a proxy and Zelensky is just a Mickey Mouse. No one can talk about ending this war without the consent and approval of the Americans. All the peace initiatives are foolish and a waste of time as the real Devil, the Americans, are calling the shot. American spokesman, John Kirby,  just rubbished Orban's trip to Beijing on negotiating a peace deal. He was as good as telling Orban and the world, don't be foolish, America calls the shot. If the Americans did not give the consent to end the war, no one can end the war. The fictitious call for China to restrain Russia to end the war was just to demonise China, pass the buck to China, that China is responsible for the Ukraine War.

Sure the western media would play along, America is not involved in the war. America is for peace and wants to end the war. It is Russia or China that wants this war. Stop pulling wool over the eyes of the world. Everyone knows the real Devil behind this war, the Americans, but not saying it.

The latest development, NATO states are sending F16s to Ukraine. This is a major escalation to the war. The Americans have been losing wars after wars and cannot afford to lose this war to Russia. The NATO states have just been ordered by the Americans to ramp up their war industries, to produce more weapons for this war. This is WW3 in the making.


Anonymous said...

And now the lie that is prevailing, that Japan is de facto a NATO member country and that NATO coming the Pacific region is to help defend democracy and peace especially against evil China.
Soon, this becomes normalised and accepted and that NATO is invited here.

Anonymous said...

Trump is telling voters that he can end the Ukraine War withing 24 hours. And they took all that as a joke. Actually, he is not joking, which I also thought was a joke, but after thinking about it, he could do it using the very fact that if the USA ends support for NATO, Zelensky will end up losing his pants. That is the reason Zelensky was petrified and criticized Trump for his message. The war will end there and then with Trump returning.

Why isn't that dumb Finnish President not talking about this Trump message instead? One phone call from Trump to the USA Defense Department chiefs and the Ukraine War will end. But of course, Congress still stands in the way. But Congress can only stall the President's action within a certain period of time, if I understand correctly.

Why is it in China's interest to stop the war when the USA and NATO are sabotaging peace efforts made by China in the past? Why is it not in USA or NATO's interest to end the war years earlier? They are not interested in ending the war. Even if the Ukraine War ends tomorrow, the EU is still going to suffer deprivation of cheap Russian energy. This is not going to return, not with China and India providing Russia the market it needs. The de-industrialization of Germany, France, Italy and others is a done deal, gone for good.

In fact, in 2014 the conflict could have been avoided with the Minsk Agreement. But Ukraine, on the behest of the USA and the West, choose to ignore the terms of the agreement and continued to attack Russian speaking Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine. After Russia's intervention in 2022 in Eastern Ukraine, there was even a peace deal which Boris Johnson sabotaged under the dictates of the USA.

The USA and the West just keep pretending that the Ukraine War was started by Russia only in 2022 for no apparent reason. They are trying to spin it as if nothing before that ever happened and is not instrumental to the conflict. As Dr David Oualaalou on his site 'Geopolitical Trends' always say, nothing ever happens in a vacuum.

Anonymous said...

NATO stands for North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation.

Soon it would become North Asia Terrorist Organisation.

Anonymous said...

They lost the war in Afghanistan and left behind US$ billions in weapons which the Taliban repaired and is now using. The Taliban did not have a credible military force before that, just farmers bearing small arms. Now they have Black Hawks and armored carriers to boast of. Many are asking how the Taliban managed to do that.

The USA realistically underestimated the Taliban's ability to repair those weapons, just like thinking the Chinese can only be cooks and laundrymen. Now shouting like mad dogs regarding those weapons left behind and being used by the Taliban to build a credible army. They honestly became another victim of 'the 'Graveyard of Empires'.

When Russia takes over Ukraine, US$ billions of dollars of weapons will likely fall into Russian hands. Repairing those weapons left behind will be a piece of cake for the Russians. Not only that, but all their secrets will fall into Russian hands. And even more will end up in the hands of others for creating more wars that the USA can leveraged on, using terrorism as an excuse.