
India in BRICS 引狼入室 - Stupid leaders would invite thieves and robbers into their homes

 India has nothing to offer to BRICS. India itself is the 'Trojan Horse' cultivated and being offered to BRICS by the USA and the G7. BRICS was blindsided but should learn its lesson in accepting future members. Having to live with its misstep, BRICS just needs to be very careful with India in case of subterfuge. Be very clear about that.

India does not even produce enough for export to warrant making the rupee more acceptable globally. And India is only making a lot of noise complaining about trade deficits and the rupee not being more widely accepted. India is taking a leaf from the USA's cry-baby victimized hubris, blaming other countries like China for its trade deficits. What does the USA produced that are cheaper than what other countries can offer, and which other countries really needs, besides its fake superior and highly expensive weaponry? Now only trying to corner the semiconductor sector, but too little too late. Moreover, can such entities operating in the USA be able to compete globally on price alone?

India too is not going to compete well enough globally in manufactured products, lacking the manpower in science, engineering and mathematics to helm its migration from a service-oriented economy to a manufacturing hub. 60% of Indians are still engaged in agriculture. Forget about the 'Made in India' boast and its plan of becoming the factory of the world. India can still be one, but not withing three decades in the footprint of China. That is asking for the moon and the stars.

Where are the Indian supply chains? Where and how widespread is India's hold on raw materials that it needs globally? And where are the infrastructures to complement the opening up of manufacturing hubs, like roads and rails (not to talk about high-speed ones). During COVID19, we saw India at sixes and sevens trying to supply medical equipment such as oxygen tanks to hospitals that were faced with massive difficulties due to transportation bottlenecks. Have they improved on that I wonder, and knowing how fast things move in India, I would not bet on it.

The problem is that India has the plans for everything, but the issue is India does not have the expertise and the political will to get it done. Democracy is more a hindrance than an asset for India.


PS. Wait for China to invite American cronies into their space station and worry what they will do to destroy the space station.


Anonymous said...

People/country changes, especially in so call democratic system. India was a founding member of BRICS. So it was like a nice guy who changes as he growth & think only of his self interest instead of the group that he was a founding member. It was also true about our pap party which is no longer what is used to be. The pap leader had become stupid from smart.

Anonymous said...

Understand that India is a participant in space research on the Tiangong Space Station. Now, is this going to be inviting the devil into the house, but trying to get rid of it later, which will be impossible. Moreover, there is always the fear that Indians may wriggle their way into controlling the Tiangong Space Station, like controlling USA tech companies such as Microsoft. That will be the giving India the 'mother of all bragging rights' if they succeeded. Just a thought!

The International Space Station belongs to the Russians but is now under USA control. Does that ring a bell or provide some serious thought about having India on board? Already we have seen India creating havoc inside BRICS and SCO. What else does China need to experience to learn another expensive lesson?

And that begs the question about what India can contribute towards research on the Tiangong Space Station, the same as why the USA was prevented from joining for having nothing worthwhile to contribute but instigating conflicts.

Anonymous said...

China is so stupid. They deserved to be bitten by the snake. They asked for it.

Once in the Tiangong Space Station, the snake would say it built the space station and without the snake there will be no Tiangong Space Station.

They now claimed to have built Singapore and DBS.