
Breaking News - Assassination attempt on Donald Trump


Former US president Donald Trump is helped off the stage at a campaign event in Pennsylvania, Jul 13, 2024. (Photo: AP/Gene J Puskar) 

The bullet missed killing Trump, but still sliced through his right ear. Blood was oozing. And Trump survived. Now Trump is tasting the American medicine of assassination. The American terrorists had assassinated many foreign political leaders and is a clear and eminent threat to all foreign leaders in the world. This is how primitive and wild the American terrorists are, but never been condemned or labelled as terrorists by the UN or any world bodies. It is like a God damn given right for the Americans. No one shall call them terrorists or bring them to court.

It is a good thing that they are turning their guns at their own leaders now. The Americans are such lovely and peaceful people, the policemen of the world, NOT THE TERRORISTS OF THE WORLD. How many silly people and leaders still blaring this phrase?

An interesting question now would be, who is behind this? Definitely not Biden. He doesn't know what is happening. Who does not want Trump to be the next POTUS and has the power to make it happened? The shooter is dead! No one is going to know unless there is a whistle blower.

The presidential campaign in the world's number one terrorist state is getting exciting and a beautiful sight.


Anonymous said...

Actually this remind me of the same case in Taiwan when Chen SP was taking part in the president election campaign. It look like a self directing self acting event. Or maybe this is what the American "freedom of expression" mean or "what a great sight to behold". Very entertaining American election campaign, really American exceptionalism.

Virgo49 said...

Aiya drama lah!

Gained Sympathy Votes like that Chen Sui Ban.

These Americunts and the Taiwanese are drama kings and Queens.

That's their way of DemoCRAZY and Freedom.

Virgo49 said...

Next we have Bidamn kena shot in his balls.

Aiya OK lah, already impotent.

Also if can also don't know which hole to par!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This man Trump is protected by God. He was shot, and got hit. But the bullet grazed past his ear, the most harmless part of his body. Can you beat that? 1cm on the wrong side would be the end of Trump.

Amazing, amazing grace.

Anonymous said...

Anything you would not expect to happen in this world, you can only expect it in the USA. Not much of a surprise to me actually. Trump already predicted such a threat during his first term in office, claiming that he feared the Deep State does not like his way of doing things, and many actually expected him to be assassinated like John F. Kennedy, if he persists in his wayward ways. That he lost the 2020 election was a blessing in disguise, as most people expected him not to survive the CIA if he got his second term. Now, is this an attempt to put him away for good and let Biden get his second term instead? Remember, this can only happen in the USA, nowhere else.

When Trump was shot, hear this - Biden proclaimed that this is violence he does not stand for. Hear, hear, the man that is supporting the killing of tens of thousands in Gaza is against violence in his own country. A country that lives and die by the gun is not violent? Can you believe that?

It looks like the Democrats are very desperate indeed, knowing they have to get rid of Trump for Biden to win. This is going to backfire against the Democrats for sure. If they had succeeded in getting rid of Trump, Biden might still stand a chance. Now the shooter is dead, the truth died with him, and the trail ended there. They talk about investigating, but I am sure the conclusion is that the shooter acted alone, no one else is involved.

Maybe they may even create fabricated evidence to link this to Russia or China. Watch the spin and get dizzy in the coming days. It is actually easy to pay someone with terminal illness to carry it out and that person, knowing his days are numbered, may be ready to make the sacrifice. Why did they have to kill him outright? Dead man tells no tales right.

Conspiracy theory or not, just look at the Iraq War. Everything is possible in the face of desperation.

Anonymous said...


Racist Trump always badmouth Asian and Chinese people, leading to many vicious attacks on Asian Americans in US streets.

Now Republicans are blaming Democrats for bad-mouthing Trump, leading to Trump's assassination.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

There are many questionable facts about this assassination attempt. I will like to muse about it and post an article on it for fun. After all, American politics is just a joke created by the clowns in Washington.

Anonymous said...

Saw a video that caught US secret service snipers who already had their guns trained on the assassin on the roof, but they waited until the assassin fired at Trump before they shoot the assassin - to silent him after they let the assassin kill Trump?

Anonymous said...

Biden still insist that he can beat Trump. By any stretch of the imagination would that be the case, looking at the situation and the state of the man.

Never forget Biden's boast about taking out the Nord Stream pipelines earlier. He stated emphatically that he had ways to do it. Does that also apply to taking out Trump? Give it a thought! The man is desperate.

Anonymous said...

Why do they post Secret Service Snipers at a rally? Perhaps they knew this was going to happen. Why would the Democrats bother about Trump's safety after all? They are doing all out to take him out. Doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

I like it when the pigeon is coming home to roost. God is great! Nancy Pelosi must be watching it with glee. The show is now on home ground for her to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Gun violence and shooting occurs almost twice a day in USA and Biden said that there is no place for this kind of violence in the country. What is Biden talking about? Is he living on another planet? On Mars perhaps where no shooting is reported.

Anonymous said...

Remember Nord stream 2? U.S. President Joe Biden had warned there would be no Nord Stream 2 . . .

A number of Republicans are pointing fingers at President Joe Biden for Saturday’s shooting at a Trump rally, with some citing Biden’s recent statement to donors saying “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

In a Politico article shared Monday, Biden reportedly told donors: “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

Anonymous said...

“This is not a normal election. He [Trump] must be stopped. He [Trump] cannot be President.” - Nancy Pelosi a few days ago

So Trump got assassinated today!

Anonymous said...

The attempt will be investigated, and the verdict will be pinned on the gunman acting alone, mentally unsound or some other excuse. Dead man tell no tales and nobody is behind the act. Case closed! It is all in the playbook, guys.

Cocaine found in the White House also investigated but no culprit found. The drugs walked into the White House undetected, with all the security, cameras and investigative techniques.

Even if evidence found, it will only be declassified fifty years down the road.

Virgo49 said...

Part two of the act by Chen Sui Ban ex Taiwanese President as followed by Dotard

These type of incident also gained sympathy votes meh?

Voters around the World Real dafts.