
How the Americans kept China under their control - Aggressive China!

 MANILA: The Philippines and China have "reached an understanding on the provisional arrangement" for resupply missions to a beached naval ship in the South China Sea, Manila's foreign ministry said in a statement on Sunday (Jul 21). CNA

This CNA report is from the Philippines, the Pinoys side of the story. Did China really agree to this arrangement without any conditions? Is China going to let the Pinoys keep the wreck in Renai Jiao forever? Maybe. It has been like that for more than 20 years, so what is wrong for another 20 years, another 100 years?

The Malaysian govt has detained an oil tanker involved in a collision and likely spilling oil to harm the waters in Malaysian territorial sea. This is what a respected and confident govt would do when its territorial rights are violated. The Malaysians have also arrested illegal fishing boats in its waters and bombed them to pieces in the recent past.

The Indonesians had also done the same and since then no more troubles from illegal fishing boats.

On the other hand, China would have endless problems from the Philippines, from Australia, Canada, Netherland, India, England etc etc in the South China Sea and other parts of Chinese territorial seas. Why?

The answer is simple. China is afraid to be branded as an aggressive country. The Americans use this label on China, branding and demonising China as an aggressive country in everything the Chinese do. This has scared the shit out of Beijing. No way, they must not be branded an aggressive country and must do everything, actually not to do anything, so that they would not be called aggressive to appease the Americans. But whether China does or did not do, the Americans would be calling China aggressive, like it or not. All the American and western media, including the media of American colonies and cronies have been ordered and tasked to call China aggressive everyday in their main media.

The Americans know that this is the weakness of the Chinese leaders' mindset. They want to be seen as good, as honourable gentlemen. So, to keep this image, they must swallow their pride, tie their own hands, and do nothing in the face of provocations, agitation, bullying and even aggressive behaviour of Mickey Mouse states violating their national interests and territorial integrity. The Philippines would be allowed to park their piece of wreck for eternity because China would not dare to do anything for fear of being called Aggressive.

This is how the Americans keep the Chinese under their control and could brown nose the Chinese whenever they want, and the Chinese would just do nothing. Ah Q would find excuses that they can wait, for another 100 years or more, and will win eventually. So being kicked around, being bullied, being attacked, embassy bombed, ships arrested or boarded by the Americans or little Mickey Mouse countries, never mind.

China must not behave aggressively when being victimised and bullied. China can be the punching bag of Mickey Mouse. Unfortunately, even when China is doing nothing to defend and protect itself, offer the other cheek when slapped, it is still called the Aggressor, an aggressive country by the Americans and their western media. It is not funny when a country behaves meekly and still be labelled an aggressive country.

China will forever be under the control of the Americans if it refuses to break out from this outdated deluded thinking that not hitting back is a virtue even when it is right to do so. China would not even dare to take actions against traitors in Taiwan that want to secede from the motherland. For doing so would be an act of aggression and 'would fall into the American Trap'. 

Actually, China has long fallen into the American trap of fearing to be called aggressive and has to behave and act meekly when attacked and bullied. The Americans must have been telling all the Mickey Mouse, not to worry, China would not hit back. China is afraid to be called aggressive, and America would be the first one to say so when China reacts.

If the Chinese leaders still refuse to cast away the shit in their heads, the Americans would have China's balls squeezed for as long as they like.


Virgo49 said...

Mr RB,

In any Martial Arts Gymnasiums and Schools A BIg Word "Lien" aka Patience is Hang Up on their Walls

China is concentrating on the BRICs Agenda and do not wanted to be distracted and embroiled in any now conflicts or rows.

Wining a battle or War without fighting to subdue the Enemy.

That's why they purposely lax a bit and gave some leeway to the Pinoys to satisfy their egos and let them have some water faces and recognition that they are on par with the PRCs.

Actually, they knew that they are no match to fight the PRCs.

China is now trying to unset the UAssA by economic means firstly and does not want to have any real conflicts or wars against these desperate wars hungry animals.

China would retaliate with all her might if her sovereignty and security are been threatened by these Barabians.

Try they may to invade North Korea Kim or even any neighbouring countries that had common borders with China and they shall be met with all their Miltary Might.

Bring down the Adversaries or enemies with just one Mighty Go.

Chinese Martial Arts once in action brought disasters to the Arrogant and Foolish.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I can understand China's long term strategy. But at times, a big punch on the nose of Mickey Mouse is necessary to stop more Mickey Mouse coming. Give Mickey Mouse a bloody nose to stop their nonsense.

Virgo49 said...


Kishore's brillant emphasis on China to the Western Minds

Virgo49 said...


Begging China to be Mediator for the Urukiane Peace

Anonymous said...

The white savages are trying to dupe China into their stupid war and then blame China for it. No one can stop the war. Only the Americans, the mastermind of the war, can stop it if they want to.

World leaders must not be made a fool of by clown Zelensky, visiting them to ask for alms and donations and get a free dinner, and a respite from the war....while his stupid Ukrainians die at the battle front.