
The USA has no morality, conscience nor commitment over anything

 Countries with 'iron clad' commitments by the USA are more like being taken prisoners or hostages by the USA using its 'iron chains' to keep them obedient. But they are just stupidly thinking it is their safety at risk, without realizing that it is the USA enslaving them without their knowledge to hang on to its interest.

When the USA can unilaterally break away from treaties and agreements, what is there to guarantee that the USA will not break away from those commitments they made by word of mouth? Mikhail Gorbachev fell for the con and did Russia a big dis-service, that Putin is trying to salvage.

Trusting the USA is just like trusting a snake not to bite you. The USA has no morality, conscience nor commitment over anything. Where alliances are forged, it is always in the interest of protecting the USA itself. Just look at NATO, AUKUS, the QUAD, the five eyes, the Chips Alliance. Are such alliances to protect the members over and above the USA's interest? Only the naive and foolish would think so.


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