
Trump - America was invaded from the South,...raped and massacred?

 In his acceptance speech in Wisconsin, Trump talked about the invasion from the South, about illegal immigrants and promised that if elected, he would start the greatest deportation of illegal immigrants in America. 

Before Trump get carried away, before the hillbillies forgot their history, America was invaded in 1492 and followed by centuries of rape and massacre of the native Americans by the illegal immigrants from Europe. Do these ring a bell? Can the hillbillies remember what happened in the past, what their forefathers, the illegal immigrants, did to the natives of America?

The white illegal immigrants from Europe, including Trump's forefathers, invaded America, raped the natives and massacred them to near extinction? Not true? America only became great 2 decades ago filled with white men?

Donal Trump, ...who invaded America, who raped America, who massacred America?

Trump said many things about making America great again. He promised to end all the evil wars the Americans are committing all over the world, no more wars, and bring home the boys and girls. Let's hope he really do this. It would do a lot of good for the people of the rest of the world without the American terrorists invading their countries, raping them and killing them.

One thing for sure, the evil neo con terrorists in Washington must be worried and planning to end Trump's march to the White House. Trump better be real careful. This time is for real. And this time he would not be so lucky.


Anonymous said...

Trump and Biden will not talk about 1492. They never even want to talk about what happened in Ukraine before 24th of February 2022, or what happened in Palestine before the 7th of October 2023. That can be conveniently forgotten. History starts according to their 'Rules Based Order' thinking.

Anonymous said...

The local pro US and gov propaganda ST is always filled with negative China news.
Today, it even give space to an American from US think tank East West Center to make justification for an Asian NATO calling China an aggressive nation.
Whenever reportings on CN PH conflict in the SC Asia, it seeks the most biased anti China poltical " expert" around- Colin Koh from the NTU RSIS.
China has long known SG to be more pro US than others in Asean apart from PH under Marcos Jr. No wonder China is strategically building ports and infrastructure that could negatively affect SG economic future.

Anonymous said...

...building of infrastructure ans ports in TH and MY.

Anonymous said...

Propaganda ST is fit for dog poo. Never touch it for decades and never miss it. What does it look like today? Understand it is a propaganda rag. For wiping dog backsides.

Anonymous said...

It's time to take action against shameless OCBC anti China and anti Chinese ghost writers in local mass media who copy Western journalists anti-Chinese stories to disparage and demonize China and the Chinese people. We need to start a campaign for Singaporeans to boycott local press and mass media which has no shame and self-respect in copying the evil West headed by the Anglo-Saxons US and UK in posting fake news, misinformation, disinformation and toxic propaganda against China and the Chinese people. If the government does not take action against these wicked anti Chinese mass media and journalists then we have to awaken the government of the danger post to Singaporeans by these foreign countries and their local servile stooges and running dogs.

Ang Quo Chiang

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Ang Quo Chiang.

Anonymous said...

Is Trump's great deportation includes all the white illegal immigrants from Europe that came earlier?

Anonymous said...

Former President Donald Trump has reiterated an openness for Chinese automakers to build cars in the US as a way to boost the economy, signaling a potentially different approach from a Biden administration that has sought to keep out vehicles with links to the country.

“Right now as we speak, large factories just are being built across the border in Mexico” by China to make cars to sell in the US, Trump said in an address at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Thursday. “Those plants are going to be built in the United States and our people are going to man those plants,” he said, adding that he would otherwise slap tariffs as high as 200% on each car to prevent them from entering the country.

Anonymous said...

He must have taken advice from Musk !

Anonymous said...

Chinese carmakers must never build plants in USA despite Trump's double-talk. It is too risky. Trump is not reiterating an openness for Chinese automakers to build cars in the USA. He is threatening Chinese automakers from building factories in Mexico, clear and simple. That does not amount to real openness in wanting to attract Chinese automakers to the USA. He is attempting to force the hand of Chinese carmakers to move from Mexico to the USA, which is not going to happen.

Trump's stance is just plain rhetoric. Trump's hot air is toxic and those believing in him is falling for a fate as bad as being a friend of the USA. Is the USA really great after Trump's last four years in office?

Chinese carmakers should just continue to invest in Mexico, and elsewhere as long as outside the USA and EU, focusing on producing cheap EVs for the Global South countries. Trump can erect 500% tariffs against Chinese EVs if he likes, but that cannot stop Mexico and others from exporting cars to the Global South countries.

Remember, there is an even bigger consumer market outside the USA and Europe. With countries in Africa, South America, Middle East and Central Asia progressing out of poverty, with help from the Chinese, the market in the Global South will continue to grow. The USA and EU by comparison have a combined population of about 780 million, which is only about half of Africa's 1.4 billion population. And bear in mind that Europe is going downhill instead of improving, which means also getting poorer. Their Ukraine adventure saw to that decline.

Never underestimate people in these poor countries becoming wealthier in time. China was never thought to be such a huge consumer market just thirty years ago, with poverty eradication thought to be unsurmountable. China is today a completely different consumer market that everyone strives to get in and take advantage of.

Anonymous said...

US, like Singapore, also got CECA unhappiness

An American view of Indian casteism: Indians are occupying middle management of tech companies, which then opens the flood gates for more Indian nepotism hires . . .

Anonymous said...

India just charge BYD 730 million rupee for tax evasion. They did the same to Xiaomi and many Chinese companies. Why are the Chinese so stupid to volunteer to be cheated and robbed by India after being cheated and robbed over and over again.

I am infuriated at the Chinese stupidity.
Stop investing in India.
Stop being cheated and robbed.
Stop being stupid.

There is no way for not calling the Chinese stupid if they keep on throwing good money into the Indian black hole to be cheated and robbed. Don't blame the Indians for your own stupidity.

Anonymous said...


Watch above clip on how India cheated Chinese companies.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

US, like Singapore, also got CECA unhappiness

Not true. The people did not know what is happening. At the top they are all very happy to have talented Indians to take over from the no talent natives. Indians are now positioning themselves to be the President, VP and CEOs in the USA and very welcomed by the Americans.

Virgo49 said...

Daft Doggies round the Globe had their systems kaput depending on the Americunts BS IT systems.

Once back to the Sin Airports and unable to scan thru the identification scanner and one Sporean Chinese guy with his Ang Moh Chief at side kept me as a guinea pig kept testing to make sure that the scanner is working properly.

Nearly ten tries then succeeded.

Virgo49 said...

Mr Jake Moore comments on Reliance on Big Tech such as Microsoft in running our daily lives and businesses.

My own words what's happened if they wanted to sabo you?

Enemy of the UAss is dangerous.

Friend to the UAss is FATAL.

The inconvem caused by the loss of access to services for thousands of people serves as a reminder of our dependence on BignTech