
War for supremacy and domination between whites and non whites has started

 Those non-white Global South countries better be aware that the next war will be Whites against non-whites, whether they like it or not. The Whites are desperate and ganging up together to help the USA preserve its hegemony, which benefits them by being able to dumb down the non-white countries. It is the Whites pre-occupation since the dawn of time, with all the seizure of lands and genocides committed to achieve this objective.

There is no way that they will not go down fighting for survival by being on top of the food chain, and non-white countries have to close ranks to defeat this evil monster. India, especially, must wake up and not think they can get along with the Whites. India's destiny still lies with the non-whites of the Global South. India is gravely mistaken if it thinks otherwise.

Japan was a non-white country, trying to rise against the USA and was taken down sheepishly and put into USA 'iron clad' chains, unable to move freely. Even Germany, a White dominated country, was not spared when it threatened the USA economically. Germany lost its sovereignty long ago and is a mere puppet, heading and controlling the EU on behalf of the USA.

The USA and it White clique are just making use of India to counter China in its sight, nothing more and nothing less. They will not give India room to dominate, whether as a military superpower or an economic superpower to rival the USA. It is a mirage for India to expect that and be allowed to overtake the USA.



Anonymous said...

China should be wary of Giorgia Meloni, the Italian Prime Minister. now visiting. She is a double headed snake that can never be trusted. She is running around in circles whatever the USA ordered her to do so and have no convictions of her own. China must avoid making deals with her, or invest in Italy, however lucrative a deal she may be offering. Italy pulled out of the BRI in December 2023, under duress from the USA, and must never be allowed to join again. Better be safe than be sorry.

Another snake to avoid is Argentinian President, Javier Milei, who looks like one of the three stooges, also running around in circles not knowing who to follow. Under pressure by the USA, he criticized China to no end. I do not know what to say about his hairstyle and appearance, since the Argentinians seems to see something special in him by electing him as President. After being granted entry to join BRICS, he flatly refused to take up the offer, under pressure by the USA using threats linked to free-trade agreements it signed with Argentina. With Argentina's economy in free-fall and inflation untamed, he ran to China for help. Why did he not approach the USA for help since he is adopting a 'dollarization' stance to please the USA?

Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey may appear unfriendly and vocal towards NATO, although Turkey is a member of the bloc and also a staunch ally. Turkey allowed the deployment of nuclear missiles on its soil during the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union. Erdogan may not turn out to be as trustworthy as his actions suggest. BYD is investing US$1 billion to build a factory in Turkey and must be very careful regarding compliance and tax laws, and not end up like its venture in India.

It would be prudent for China and Chinese companies to avoid dealing with these three countries if possible. Nothing good is going to come off it in relations with such fickle minded people, knowing they are just proxies of the USA and will have to follow the USA's dictate when it comes to the crunch.

By the way, it must come as a joke about reports that the USA is attempting to sway Iran from joining BRICS. It is really a shameless move if true. Why would Iran want to do that and follow the USA's persuasion, knowing that its mortal enemy is out to destroy it. Trump already said that he wants to 'erase Iran from the face of the earth'.

Virgo49 said...

Well said Anon 11.32


Virgo49 said...


Meloni's visit to China