
Elites with connections and from cradles to the graves

 Nowadays all these Elites with connections and from cradles to the graves once you are in the PAP inner circle you are destined to be taken care of even in the event you lose your seat in the Parliament.

That's why so many clamoured to be chosen and shall bow and sucked up to them unshamesly.

So now most are alreday well fed and nearing retirements soon.

Those who are holding various top posts in their other lucrative appointments and as shareholders and investors have their last hurrah to further made hay before the sun sets on them.

So keng making a fast buck with good opportunity to let go their last post and made a fortune for their luxurious retirements.

No chance liao after this.

You think Allianz would want to buy over this entity if they do NOT think its a golden goose to slaughter ah?

Germany is in shits situation and they wanted to capitalise on this lucrative business to support and channel the future and present earnings to their Host Country.

You think they offered to buy without consideration of this business?

Once off only benefits the present lot of office bearers and share holders with handsome divends now.

You think they think of your and the Singaporeans future interests ah?

Pat our backsides with the handsome rewards and divends and then bye bye.

NOT our business anymore and let the others carry the baby.

You wont see us anymore.

We had obtained our goal.



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