
Ah Q cowed to give moon samples to the American bullies

Ah Q is always Ah Q. After being Ah Q for a century, Ah Q's behaviour has become second nature. Ah Q does not mind being bullied, beaten, humiliated, discriminated, and may even think these are virtues, good things. So after being bullied and humiliated, Ah Q did not feel aggrieved and still wanted to be very nice to the bullies. Ah Q may, as what Ah Q is good at, find all kinds of silly excuses to justify its Ah Q behaviour, thinking that it is gentleman, 君子 , to be nice to bullies and rogues, even enemies. Let them bully, humiliate, beat, discriminate, demonise, sanction etc etc, Ah Q is a big man and would not behave like the bullies or rogues.

After several decades of being ostracised by the Americans, NASA, booted out of EU and International Space Station programmes, banned from entering the ISS, cut off from all cooperation in space technology, humiliated as not good enough to join the programmes, left out in the cold, basically treated as a pariah, Ah Q did not learn anything.

After a few weeks of pressure, or maybe sweet words, Ah Q has forgotten all the bullying and humiliation and willing to share the moon sample collected from the far side of the moon with its enemies, the bullying Americans! Can you believe this? After decades of being kicked around, isolated, blocked from all access and cooperation, Ah Q now willing to share its moon samples with the Americans? And the Americans openly called Ah Q enemies, everyday and everywhere attacking Ah Q, finding faults with Ah Q. And Ah Q still want to kiss the ass of the Americans!

What could be more humiliating is for the Americans to turn around and allege that the moon samples were fakes. Or the Americans may put up more sanctions against Ah Q for violating the American law, the Wolff Amendment, that forbids cooperation with the Americans in space technology. The Americans can then issue arrest warrants against Chinese officials in China Space Agency and repeat the Meng Wanzhou act. When it happens, Ah Q would become the laughing stock of the world. Even its citizens would laugh at Ah Q's stupidity.

愿意做 Ah Q, 因该给人骂, 给人打, 给人欺负,给人羞辱....


Virgo49 said...

Mr RB.

Ah Q been converted to be good and TRUE Christians lah!

Slapped on the left give your right.

The Lord shall protected the meek and gentle.

Only the meek shall inherited the Earth.

This been the mantra of their Whites Philosophy and Sermons.

But as all the Others said the Whites said one story and then do the opposite.

They been killing and mudering all the coloured peoples even with this BS teachings.


Virgo49 said...

Just to add they preached to you to be meek so that they shall inherited the Earth and they the Masters and you Slaves.

Also when slapped on the right give them your left.

So that they can conquered and slaughtered and raped your wives and mothers and daughters.

Foolish beans believed in their Mantras and Sermons.

Anonymous said...

It would be icing on the cake if Ah Q invites the Americans or Indians into their space station and then got sabotaged turning it into a piece of useless scrap metal in space.

At the way Ah Q is behaving, it will be very soon for Americans, Indians or unfriendly country astronauts to be playing mischief in Ah Q's space station...then turning it into a fireball.

Stupidity has no cure.

Anonymous said...

I googled this subject and found China has invited scientists from all over the world to study the moon samples but noted US has a problem, the Wolf amendment. So legally, NASA cannot study the moon samples.
So how is it that you reported China gave the yanks moon samples to study?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This was reported in a Taiwan media that is friendly to China. It was quite a shocking news. I hope the report is not true.

Anonymous said...

India has been targeting Chinese companies with some given heavy fines wiping out years of profits from investing in the country.
Now scheming India has realised without Chinese talent and supply chain, their own manufacturing hype is going nowhere.
Now there is talk of attracting more Chinese investments into the country.
Guaranteed Ah Q will take the bait.p⁰