
Nethanyahu will get full American support by boasting only he and his Israel can control the Arab countries

 I believe Netanyahu is losing support in Congress and with protests erupting during his current visit to Washington. The support for him is really running thin, even at home in Israel. He needs to carry on the war to keep at bay the case against him for bribes and fraud. His survival rest on his continuing his forever wars, now escalating against Hezbollah and the Houthis. The problem is how much support he can get from the USA under Trump or Harris.

But USA politics is often sending misleading signals just to win votes for the campaigners for the White House job. Trump now wants to 'erase Iran from the face of the earth'. Harris is talking about not letting off the humanitarian issues in Gaza committed by Israel. Those postures are more for their domestic consumption than reflecting what they really stand for.

Take those postures with lots of salt. The USA establishment puts on a face to fool the masses and another that the world does not see but can clearly discern very well by its action. It is hidden in deceit, lying, cheating and stealing.

The swamp on both sides of the divide is the same set of people just playing musical chairs. Trump promised to drain the swamp during his first term, but he infested the swamp with even more toxic characters at his whims and fancies. Characters who are now even willing to sell him out in his fight against the system. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was the same ruse used by Zelensky to get USA support. But with one big difference. Zelensky keeps telling the USA and the West that if Ukraine loses the war, democracy is dead, and NATO will be in deadly danger. Netanyahu, of course, could not reveal the fact that if the war ends, his legal problems will take over and he will be in deep trouble personally.

The reality is that had Ukraine not been lured to join NATO, Russia would not be taking action to save Eastern Ukraine falling into NATO hands as well. That was how NATO got conned by a comedian cum conman extraordinaire. Looks like the Whites keep conning each other round and round.

And the fact that Zelensky got invited to speak to Congress four times tells us that his salesman talks really had been working to perfection in getting Congress to send more and more aid. Such aid was supposed to change the game. But in spite of all the aid, Ukraine keeps losing territories while the Western Media kept up the winning streak in their sick minds earlier. Now, they no longer can tell the same fairy tales, and everything seems rather quiet, and the spinning no longer carries any credibility whatsoever.

While the spin over Ukraine is dying out, another spin is escalating over the China threat. The USA has to find an imaginary enemy to fuel its war mongering appetite, otherwise its Military Industrial Complex would collapse and can no longer support the USA's economy without the ability to sell its expensive and overhype weapons.