
US, UK - Beware of beasts in uniforms. Be warned!



The above two video clips speak  for themselves. The brutal attack on arrivals in Manchester Airport, UK, by the beasts in uniform was horrific and beyond words. These oversized beasts would freely attack travellers from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. They would not attack white men.

And they are professing to be protectors of human rights, minorities and democracy. They fabricated lies about discrimination and genocide against the Muslims in Xinjiang.

Judge for yourself what they are and who are the real animals that are discriminating against the Muslims. There was so much hate in the beasts in the two clips.


Virgo49 said...


These White Savages took the coloured peoples as sub humans and animals.

They tortured and kicked and manhandled them as they like.

Can accused the Hong Kong Police as Brutuals.

The instigated riorts as by these Parasites.

Those HongKees Tongkees who thought that the White Barbarians could welcome and protect them that fled to UK and their White Countries are in for shocks when they shall be kicked by them as in these videos.

Good riddance and Goof Luck to them.

Taste your kicks and punches from these Animals soon.

Anonymous said...

Using boots to kick the head of that man lying motionless and face down on the ground is really vicious and brutal. He was not resisting arrest, nor confronting the cops. He could be killed by serious brain injury. That way of treating another person is not human at all.

We need to compare this with Hong Kong police dealing with violent protestors during the unrest. There was a world of difference. There, the protestors were really violent and destroying state properties, but no such police brutality was used against them.

No wonder even former Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis, commented that the Chinese are more humanistic than these barbarians. He was responding to a Western Journalist complaining about the Chinese presence in Africa, building ports and infrastructure for the Africans. What is wrong with that?

Anonymous said...

What is puzzling is that many Arab and Muslim leaders are still crawling to kiss the arse of the white savages and prefer them than the Chinese.

What harm have the Chinese did to them? Practically nothing. But they have been reading the western poison media and their biased attitude towards the Chinese have been carved inside their thick skulls. Chinese are bad, white men good.

They might even say these video clips were not true, fake news, and go back to kiss white men's arse.

Virgo49 said...



Uncilvised Gardens ? Jungles and they can called Asian Countries Jungles.

Aha there u have it!