
Modi trusts Putin more than the Americans

 Even Modi knows that IMEC will never be built. He went to Moscow trying to broker a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. That has made Zelensky, and the USA to slam his move as a counter to peace. How about that? If China did that, the USA and Zelensky would have gone bonkers, mad like rabid dogs running amok. That is a reason why China wants no more of the nonsense.

The indications are clear that Modi is moving closer to Russia than ever. How can he trust the USA that promises the moon and the stars but are beyond it to deliver? Not only that, if there are changes to the Presidency in the White House, everything changes. Just look at Trump unilaterally discarding trade deals and agreements with other countries, and even nuclear treaties with the Russians at his whims and fancies. It is becoming apparent that countries are now realizing that they no longer want to trust the USA to honor any agreement, even on paper.

Mikhail Gorbachev was naive to believe that NATO will follow the verbal agreement with the Soviet Union after its breakup, with NATO promising that it will not expand Eastward by an inch. Gorbachev was mislaid and was played out big time, with NATO later claiming there was no written agreement. The Anglo-Saxons are famous for setting booby traps to take advantage of later on, just as in Arunachal Pradesh, Tibet, Kashmir, Israel in the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula. 



Anonymous said...

If Trump wins in November, NATO is going to be left carrying the baby against Russia. Of course, that is till provided Trump can be trusted to end the war in Ukraine. You can't trust Trump or any USA President, all making promises that only holds for their four-year tenure and casting everything to the wind.

Even if the Ukraine War ends tomorrow, things will never return to normal between NATO vis a vis the EU and Russia. For one, no more cheap energy is forthcoming for the EU. The EU will have to continue buying expensive energy from the USA and Russia mostly and discreetly under the table. Even Russian energy under the table is not going to be cheap and will be according to global price mechanisms. China, India and even Saudi Arabia will be laughing all the way to the bank.

And what is that going to do to the industrial landscape of the EU? More expensive products competing against cheap products from China in the Global South. Can they survive?

Now the EU is talking about seizing Chinese assets in Europe, which is a signal for Chinese companies to start pulling out from Europe. No more Chinese investments will go to Europe and the message is also clear for those intending to set up factories in the EU. They will treat Europe like a leper colony.

China is not without places or opportunities to invest in. There is the Global South that will welcome Chinese investments. Moreover, China is now opening up its Western regions and moving factories from the Eastern coastal region to the West, to take advantage of cheaper labor and also to industrialize the Western part of China. The Chinese no longer will need the EU to invest in.

Virgo49 said...

How about India seizing Foreign Assets ah?

Think M.O.T.