
This is a joke, right? The shrieking hyena for President!

 This is a joke, right? The shrieking hyena for President! She'll scare the hell out of those foreign dignitaries talking to her. Both spout nonsense most of the time, and one is too soft to hear, the other is too loud to tolerate! OMG, what is the USA turning into!

Honestly, this giggler-in-chief as nominee is even worse than dementia Joe. But the Deep State knows how easy it is to manipulate her due to her ignorance of geopolitical matters. Just tell her to say arrrrh and she will go into cackling mode, like a chicken to prevent people from understanding her by dishing out her 'word salah'.

Honestly, I have never been able to make out head or tail listening to her speeches or giving interviews. Not that I want to hear or watch, but for some entertainment.

If she is chosen by the Democrats as nominee, and not by Biden even though he supports her, would she be debating Trump? That is going to be interesting. Trump's supporters are already shouting they want Biden as Trump's opponent, not Harris. Probably they fear her cackling and giggling during the debate is going to put Trump in difficulty and out of focus, LOL.

Enjoy the roller coaster ride!



Anonymous said...

For Trump, debating a much younger lawyer, 20 years younger, and former attorney may be different from debating a dementia afflicted Biden, despite the latter also a law graduate. This shrieking hyena is good with words twisting, inventing 'word salads' to confuse and deflect and Trump may be in trouble with debating her. But then, Trump was still able to defeat another lawyer in 2006, non-other than Hillary Clinton. But then again, Trump was also much younger and therefore more quick thinking.

Now, it is the Democrats turning the tables on the Republicans, claiming that Trump is too old for the job. It is true that Trump suffers occasional but more noticeable gaffes, and forgets facts, or should I say, using lies too.

The Democrats are leveraging on Trump's age and using a younger opponent and quicker with words and thinking, that may prove decisive. We all may think that Trump will win hands down against Harris, but knowing the Democrats, anything can happen, even hitting below the belt when desperate enough.

Anonymous said...

In a circus, what the clowns do is not a joke. It is just entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris had been described as being 'dumb as a rock'. But since USA voters are also 'dumb as a rock', two negatives may make a positive. She may yet surprise everybody.

But, anyway, it does not matter much whether Trump or she gets in. The result is the same for the rest of the world - more quarrels, conflicts and wars.