
Zelensky working for the West or the West working for Zelensky?


Zelensky is the undisputed richest comedian on earth today. Can't imagine how much he is being paid to play this role. Can't imagine how much each of his neo Nazi generals are being paid by the West for trying to bring down Russia in a war in Ukraine while the West applied economic pressures like sanctions etc etc to destroy the Russian economy.

So far the West have poured in hundreds of billions of aids into Ukraine, not just weapons and ammunition, but aircraft, missiles, tanks, defence systems, but also paying for the administration of the Ukrainian govt and soldiers, ie their salaries. In this way, it is quite evident that the West are paying Zelensky and his neo Nazi soldiers to fight Russia. The citizens of the West are as good as paying taxes to support the Zelensky govt.

In the minds of Zelensky, he and his neo Nazi are working for the West, to defend the American Empire and NATO. For their hard work and contribution in the war, with so many Ukrainians died or wounded, so many Ukrainians becoming refugees, the Ukrainian economy collapsed, land taken over by the Russians, the Americans and the West must pay. Either way, the money must keep coming in to feed Zelensky and his neo Nazi soldiers, working for the West, or the West working for Zelensky, does not matter.

When the money stops flowing in, the war stops. The West cannot expect Zelensky and his neo Nazi to keep fighting and dying for free. Zelensky and his gang too would refuse to do the fighting.  Zelensky working for the West or the West working for Zelensky are two sides of the same coin. The interests of the West and the interests of Zelensky are intertwined and held together by money.

This is why Trump said he could end the war immediately...by cutting off the money.


Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Imagine the greed of just one monster man and millions dead and country in ruins and the masses still like sheep unable to displace that monster.

Sheepies masses round the World are been brainwashed and brains deads that their so called scoundrels leaders could lead them all to HELL.

Understood that the Hades Emperor is calling their Construction Brigade to build another eighteen layers of HELL to upgrade for the new charges of EVIL deeds and crimes.

Also have to change their HELL's new methods of punishments.

Anonymous said...

Either way, it is a win-win situation for Zelensky and the USA, particularly men and women in Congress.

Some leaders in USA are saying that the support benefits the USA, with money flowing back to the USA in the form of weapon sales, of course avoiding mention of whether money also flowed into the pockets of those voting for continued support for Ukraine.

Zelensky was paid to address Congress on many occasions, to sell his snake oil, probably with promises of kickbacks for support.