
Iran is not Afghanistan, by far the most advanced and militarily powerful Muslim state

 Iran, like Russia is no pushover. Years of USA sanctions, assassination of its leaders and regime changing attempts yield little result.

It seems the USA has little memory of Afghanistan and wants to dabble with another country of tenacious fighters with even better strategies, far more advance technology and weapons and certainly no little farmers bearing small arms.

Iran has a long history and heritage just like China. It has gone through civil wars, earthquakes and other disasters and became stronger for it. The Islamic Revolution of 1979 saw the Islamic Republic going against the last Shah of Iran, supported by the USA. That failure by the USA to prop up the Shah was a lesson the USA should have learnt. And the USA intends to have another bite of the cherry? Fat hope!

Iran will always be the main thorn in the side of the USA and Israel's preoccupation with controlling the Middle East. That is why so much attention had been focused on preventing Iran from going nuclear. With more pressure by the USA and Israel, Iran sees no possible alternative but to go nuclear, which makes it sensible for the USA to destroy it. And what better way than starting a narrative to sway global support to demonize Iran and do another Iraq with UN support.



Anonymous said...

Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires.

India is the graveyard of foreign companies.

USA is going to be the graveyard of semiconductor companies. Who dares to bet against that?

And the USA and the West wants to dabble with Iran? And create conflict with China?

Anonymous said...

The USA thinks that breaking up the Soviet Union can be emulated against China, Russia and Iran. All those years of Trump talking about reducing North Korea to ashes never happened. Instead, it turned into a, should I put it, into a gay love affair of grotesque proportion. All those decades of sanctions against North Korea failed to collapse the Kim regime. It was more like a run-of-mill effort like with Russia today.

What was the deterrent? That nuclear button available to Kim Jong Un was the deterrent that kept North Korea still safe and intact. And there are also Russia and China adding to the equation that needs to be considered for the USA, should it try its luck with North Korea and take the risk. Iran is going to follow North Korea by going nuclear and stopping all the provocations by USA and Israel.

Of course, they always talk of how many nuclear missiles the USA have compared to North Korea. One or two nuclear missiles hitting USA cities will be enough to make a statement for North Korea to stand firm. And Russia and China are not going to stand idly by watching North Korea fall to the South and into USA hands, making a USA threat against Russia and China even more detrimental as in Ukraine.

China's support for North Korea during the Korean War was exactly because of the fear of North Korea losing the War and having the USA threat on its border. And that was the reason for China's involvement in Vietnam too. It would have been too convenient to site nuclear weapons unhindered on the Korean Peninsula or North Vietnam should it fall to the South, to threaten China, same as the USA and NATO doing that in Turkey against the former Soviet Union and in Ukraine today against Russia.

Virgo49 said...

Want a war with China, you imperialist skunks?

Then try with your Southern Korean Ally provokes Kim!

Try to invade North Korea and see whether China shall bash you till you cannot even recognise your homeland and your Parents if they are still alive able to recognize you.

Putin also be joining in the Fun with Iran.

Anonymous said...

The USA and the West is also very interested in Myanmar, hoping the Myanmar Junta will fall under their instigation, using the CIA and NGOs to stir shit. ASEAN is also being used as a proxy to demonize the Myanmar Regime.

Myanmar also has a wide border with China and the fall of Myanmar to the West is a danger to China. Hence, we can surmise that China will not stand idly by and watch the Myanmar Junta fail.

Anonymous said...

The CIA terrorist operators and Special Forces are all over Myanmar supporting the rebel groups against the central government.

Anonymous said...

Mearica hatred for Iran stem from 1979 Revolution, where the US Embassy was stormed & embassy staff taken as hostage. Add to that the failed rescue attempt by US Special Forces (fiasco at Desert One).

Loss of face, loss of military base, loss of oil revenue, loss of arms sales, loss of vassal .... No wonder USA so pissed off at Islamic Republic of Iran. My guess is that is their start of super hatred towards Islam also.