
Global South countries must, not should, develop their own operating systems to protect themselves

 Global South countries must, not should, develop their own operating systems to protect themselves. I believe BRICS has that intention also to protect the workings of BRICS in the scheme of things. You can never trust the USA nor the West to always behave according to international norms.

Now that decoupling is going on fast and furious, it is more urgent to look for solutions first before anything happens. You can never guess what Satan will do when it is desperate to survive.

Russia started isolating itself long before the Ukraine war, which is why it did not collapse. Russia already took measures to sell of its Treasury holdings and bought gold instead long before the sanctions took hold. It also had its own computer operating system and money transfer system working domestically. Yet it still got stuck with US$300 billion in Western banks, but thankfully that can almost be covered by Western assets in Russia that it can seized in a tit for tat move. Just changing the law will be enough. 



Anonymous said...

China and Japan are now dumping US$ assets and that spooked the USA and other holders of USA assets like treasuries, bonds and even real estate such as commercial properties. Dumping or selling off may result in losses, but it is still better than risking everything when the shit hits the fan.

The USA economy is on ICU, even though the official version is that it is doing so well in jobs, and a burgeoning stock market resulting from its toilet paper printing activities. Just wait when those toilet papers get flushed down the toilet together with the shit.

Adding to the problem is the warning by Saudi Arabia to the EU regarding the seizure of Russia's US$300 billion assets, most of which are in the EU. The EU is trying to commit economic suicide should it moves ahead with the seizure of Russian assets officially. It will happen when desperation gets the better of logic.

As if that is not bad enough, the EU is trying to hype up the threat of seizing China's assets as well. What message are they trying to send to the rest of the world, especially those countries having investments in the EU like China? I am sure they are going to have sleepless nights as well. And when they wake up, what are they going to do? What would you do if a bank tells you they may seize your money deposited with them? Sit back, relax and twiddle thumbs?

Not only are USA leaders elected based on their 'stupidity qualifications' the EU is doing exactly the same thing.

Virgo49 said...


One trillions wiped out in.the UASSA Tech stocks.

All these BS just like Insurance Companies Paper for Monies.

NTUC selling to Alliance?

Wow better made a quick exit.

Some has sorts of investments funds like BANKS FDs with them and earned higher interests after maturities at certain years or ages.

Wow. Germany may needed your monies.