
The United States wants to be No 1 forever : But ..........

The Anglo-Saxon United States wants to be world Number One forever. But why worry? No one is contesting the US for that position not even China.In any case China is not interested. Howver, the point is, is the US qualified to be World NO 1. Let's look into what it means to be Number One. However, the world has given enough notice that it will no longer tolerate any country trying to be number one superpower to be a Unipolar rogue bully and hegemon of the earthly world. Thus to that extent the countries of the South and BRICS are working to form a Multipolar World where all countries big or small are treated equally and fairly with mutual respect and work towards beneficial development and common prosperity for all. And hopefully with Multipolar World people everywhere on earth will enjoy peace and security. But what does it entail to be Number One. As No 1: Rich and powerful and yet benign, fair and kind and always ready to give a helping hand to the poor, the down and under and helping these unfortunate countries to rise and have a decent healthy way of life. In this way the No 1 will always live and lead by good examples and provide peace and security to all countries and thus gain honour, respect and dignity. Or as No 1 to be a world bully, aggressive, threatening and intimidating; selfish, self-aggrandising and demanding, taking everything from others illegally and illicitly by deception, subterfuge and coercion.When it is unable to compete fairly with others in trade and business, in commerce and industries, in High Tec, AI, 5G,Cyber, space technology and in banking and finance it will resort to destroy others physically. Thus US is always behaving like thugs, hoodlums, gangsters, rogues, crooks and scoundrels. It is sad and regrettable that the U.S. feels proud and honourable to openly declare that it tells lies, rob and steal as always in its way of world relations. It is indeed the most unreliable and most untrustworthy country in the world. No wonder the native Americans have always warned us that 'White men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted'. Moreover, in the last few hundred years US in the shadow of its Number One forebears Anglo-Saxons UK inherited all the evil traits of the British and became as brutal and aggressive invaders and killers. Which category does the Anglo-Saxon U.S fall into? The answer is obvious. From even before the first day of its independence it has always been killing and invading, killing and invading without end. Look at the latest wars and killings in Ukraine and in Palestine. The American provoked wars in Ukraine has two diabolical objectives. One main motive is to ensnare Russia into a long protracted war to weaken Russia so as to cause the Russian citizens to rise and rebel against the country and hopefully to break up Russia for USA and Western occupation. Also US hopes the breaking up of Russia will set the motion for US and the West to target China for destruction. Well these are just Anglo-Saxons dreams and they will undoubtedly rebounce badly and catastrophycally on themselves. The Palestine problem has a long history that goes back thousands of years to Abraham's time. But the Anglo-Saxons America is cashing on this problem by colluding with the Jewish Zionism to evict not only the Arabs but also the Turks from the whole Middle East and Turkey so as to prepare the ground for Jewish and Western colonisation of the whole region. The US and its Western servile allies and Zionist war against the Palestinian Arabs is exceptionally brutal, cruel and merciless similar to the Japanese horrendous atrocities against the Chinese people in China and South East Asia during the Second World War from 1931 to 1948. Both the Chinese and the Arabs should never forget these brutal and wanton atrocities of the Japanese, the Jews, the Anglo-Saxon Americans and their accomplice the Europeans especially England, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium and Italy. However, with the whole world of the countries of the South and BRICS standing solidly behind the Palestinians and the Arabs the evil diabolical plans of the Anglo-Saxon Americans and the Zionist Jews will never succeed. The free countries of the world especially the Taiwanese Chinese must wake up to the danger of the white supremacist Anglo-Saxons US, UK and the West and not be ensnared by them into war traps to suit their geopolitical agenda. The Taiwanese Chinese should openly censor and condemn the DPP Chinese traitors who are not Chinese but actually descendents of Japanese soldiers and officials who refused to be repatriated to Japan after the Second World War in 1945. They now live in Taiwan camouflaged as Chinese with cynical Chinese names and Chinese citizenship. They are the Japanese Trojan horse in Taiwan. Sooner or later they should be rounded up and shot. The United States is inherently savage and wicked beyond limits. It will not allow any peace negotiations to take place regarding the Ukraine and the Palestine and Israel war. More so it wants to start another war of aggression against China in the Taiwan Straits. However, being unprincipled and lack of conscience it persistently tries to ensnare China to start a war against Taiwan while at the same time it arm twisted and entice Taiwan to provoke China by supplying Chinese Taiwanese traitors the DPP with large amount of offensive weapons. So under such low class and mentally deranged bellicose behaviour how can the world be safe with the United States as Number One World superpower. If US mentally deranged politicians still think that the United States can continue to be the Number One superpower they should better quickly go and seek for psychiatric treatment. If the world can quickly get rid of the Evil Empire, the United States the better it is for the world to have peace and security. Southernglory1


Anonymous said...

In the past few hundred years all white countries especiallly England, France, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Portugal, Germany and the United States have grown exceptionally rich by going round the world with their guns and cannons to invade and rob all other countries of the South to enrich themselves and build up their countries with grand beautifull edifice and buildings while at the same time killing the natives and impoverished all the countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America which includes the Caribbean countries. But those old days of killing and robbing others freely with impunity are over as countries of the South now have the means to fight back especially with the strong and solid support of China and Russia.

Mustapha Saddam

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Mustapha Saddam, Iraq.

Anonymous said...

The United States still thinks it can bully, attack and invade other countries with impunity.These rogues, crooks and scoundrels rulers of US are causing terrible choas, turmoils, wars and destructions of lives and properties everywhere around the earthly world. These American thugs and rogues are really criminals of the first magnitude and they don't even care for their own people the American citizens. The ordinary Americans must soon realise that the real enemies of America are the two political parties, The Republicans and The Democrats where the selfish, self-interest and self-aggrandized rogues, thugs and scoundrels running the two parties are driving the United States to self-destruction.

Sam Taylor

Toronto, Canada

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Sam Taylor, Toronto, Canada.

Virgo49 said...


Just see this video by Scott Ritter that who are the Real Perpetuators and Guilty Ones.

Shud have kill that Dotard and have CIVIL WARs in the UAss.

What's beautiful sights they should be!

But, soon, very soon this be happening soon come November 2024.

Why China as reported and claimed that they are stocking up their food and resources?

To see their CIVIL WARS that are retributions for their HK instigated riorts.