
Made in China versus Made in America

 Make America Great Again is the war cry of the Trump party and also the hillbillies. In China, it is simply about Made in China in 2025. And China is making great strides in this aspiration to be the biggest manufacturers of everything that the world needs. 

Here are some of the things that are Made in China.

Made in China - Space Station

Made in China - Beidou GPS

Made in China - 5G telecommunication system

Made in China - Quantum chips, photon chips

Made in China - High speed trains

Made in China - EVs and EV batteries

Made in China - Advanced weapon systems

Made in China - Military and civilian drones

Made in China - All home appliances and equipment

Made in China - Everything needed by the people of the world


Below are what the Americans are making.

Made in USA - War, wars and more wars

Made in USA - Propaganda, lies, threats, fears, tension, disinformation

Made in USA - Sanctions, coercion, trade wars

Made in USA - Weapons claimed to be world best...really?

Made in USA - Biochemical weapons, eg Covid19, fake vaccines, bird flu, swine fever

Made in USA - Terrorism 

Made in USA - Terrorist organisations eg  NATO, CIA, NGOs, Amnesty International, ICC

Made in USA - Mercenaries aka defence contractors

Made in USA - International mafia gangs aka military alliances

Made in USA - Military bases

Made in USA - Regime change, assassinations, massacres, genocides, war crimes, crimes against humanity

Made in USA - Social unrest, instability, conflicts, bullying

Made in USA - Lies, cheating and theft

How is Made in USA going to compete with Made in China?


Virgo49 said...

Good evening All

Made in UASSA World Wide IT outage and many Airports and even Parking Gallantries paralysed.

Why put ALL in one basket?

Now they are going to blame China.

Aiyo yo!

Anonymous said...

What the USA tried to fool the world with their best in everything is a mirage now being slowly exposed.

I came across this very intriguing discourse by Kevin Walmsley on 'Inside China Business' about university rankings in the past, and why Chinese Universities never were ranked high on the list. As with everything else, there was an undisclosed bias against China in everything for decades. But with China coming out with all the innovations, including cutting edge research papers submitted by Chinese academics and researchers, ignoring the reality is no longer possible.

This is changing with a new criterion that includes research papers in Chinese from Chinese universities that had either escaped the attention of the ranking committee or had been ignored on purpose or being overlooked. But with China now producing the bulk of the high-end research materials that used to be the domain of USA universities, the ranking position has been turned on its head.

Under a new criterion formulated by Leiden University, a research university in the Netherlands, taking into account all cutting-edge publications in Chinese, six Chinese universities are now among the top ten in the world with ten in the top twenty.

This is the bias that is also prevalent in other rankings and even in the award of all shapes and sizes. But the reshaping of the world by China cannot be ignored forever.

Anonymous said...

That also explains why China cannot become the happiest country in the world. That position must always remain with the Whites.

Anonymous said...

To summarize, made in China means boom and bloom, while made in USA is all gloom and doom.

Most people already saw the picture clear enough - China builds while USA destroys. The only way for the world to have peace and prosper under a win-win situation is to take away the US$ hegemony.

And that is exactly what BRICS is doing and what BRICS stands for - to help the world move forward without fear of sanctions, regime changes and subterfuge and being held hostage by the 800 or more USA military bases stationed all over the world.

Having the US$ hegemony affords the USA the means to sustain those bases and taking it away will collapse their ability to keep maintaining those bases and military logistics, just like how the Brits could not hold on without having the ability to print toiler papers as much as it likes.

The Global IT glitch just tell the world that it also needs a new alternative and not depend solely on the USA for all the IT logistics to function without the fear of sabotage should the USA decide to turn rogue. The USA is capable of doing anything for its own interest when it loses the plot. It is time for the world to be ready for it and that means being ready now rather than later.

Virgo49 said...


This interesting video of The Fear of China by the Scoundrels Western Barbarians.

Right Anon 9.03

The West is ALL GLOOM and DOOM.

UASSA doggies obeyed with their Malfunctioning Systems and Outdated Obsolete Apps with Stupidity.

Having Defunct Errisons and Nokia in defiance to Huawei where they the UAss skunks themselves secretly used it.

Stupidity really no cures.

Anonymous said...

The Americans are the best in everything, especially in military stuff, in secret services?

Now look at the clown secret services and police allowing a 20 year old to climb on a roof top with a rifle to shoot at Trump. Can you believe that these are professional trained military and police officers? They behave like incompetent amateurs!

Virgo49 said...

Oops forgot their F16 and F25 scrap iron planes crashed and missings.