
Made in China means boom and bloom...Made in USA is all gloom and doom.

To summarize, made in China means boom and bloom, while made in USA is all gloom and doom.

Most people already saw the picture clear enough - China builds while USA destroys. The only way for the world to have peace and prosper under a win-win situation is to take away the US$ hegemony.

And that is exactly what BRICS is doing and what BRICS stands for - to help the world move forward without fear of sanctions, regime changes and subterfuge and being held hostage by the 800 or more USA military bases stationed all over the world.

Having the US$ hegemony affords the USA the means to sustain those bases and taking it away will collapse their ability to keep maintaining those bases and military logistics, just like how the Brits could not hold on without having the ability to print toiler papers as much as it likes.

The Global IT glitch just tell the world that it also needs a new alternative and not depend solely on the USA for all the IT logistics to function without the fear of sabotage should the USA decide to turn rogue. The USA is capable of doing anything for its own interest when it loses the plot. It is time for the world to be ready for it and that means being ready now rather than later.


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