
USA - Make more wars for prosperity!

 That is why USA Military contractors want more wars. More wars mean bigger defense budget spending, which in turn means more opportunities for them to rip off the USA Government, that in turn will resort to punishing taxpayers who are actually footing the defense bill. More tariffs on imported goods are just one example. Who pays for those tariffs? But the USA voters seem undeterred, and everyone thinks it is a win-win situation for all - the USA Government's inflated ego, the defense contractor's ever bulging pockets and the ignorant public thinking that war means winning everything to make the days of wine and roses continue forever. The decades of free loading have gone to their heads.

They have not learnt or refused to learn the lessons from Vietnam, Afghanistan and now in Ukraine, funding black holes and getting nothing in return but more debts for them and their children to shoulder. The Vietnam War costs the USA US$843 billion, the Afghanistan War costs the USA US$910 billion, and the Iraq War costs the USA US$1.01 trillion, all in 2019 money values. How much is the Ukraine War going to cost?

The irony is that the USA public seems ignorant of the problems escalating within the country besides corruption - the homelessness issue, the drug infestation problem, the fake job statistics and the continued hyping up of the economy on ICU with banks in deep trouble.

The voters have been brainwashed to fix their attention on foreign issues and demonizing Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. The fabrication is going to last until November, and if Trump wins, he will inherit a mess. But Trump and Biden will continue to blame each other for the state of affairs.

After all, it is just four more years for another change-over. Trump, even if he wins in November, cannot be credible to lead after his 2024 term, even if allowed to. He will be more than 82 years old. Right now, he is already not as clear headed as four years ago and prone to gaffes as well, but only better compared to Joe Biden.



Anonymous said...

John F. Kennedy was assassinated for his anti-war stance. All the other shady reasons are just propaganda to confuse and detract the public and the world. The Deep State has control over the CIA, not the USA President himself. Do not be mistaken.

Donald Trump could have been a target for his anti-war stand, though he is still a fan of trade wars and pulling out of legally binding treaties and agreements. Trump just claimed he had a good phone call with Zelensky about ending the war in Ukraine. Zelensky is at the tail-end of his last hurrah, knowing he already lost the war and now wants peace. Trump would be the answer to his prayers and able to save him some face.

I think, just take, maybe just take, Trump's revelation as hot air being blown to win the coming election. Remember the love affair he had with Kim Jong Un during his first term as President. All that glorifying talk about his efforts to de-nuclearize North Korea came to nothing. It just provided Kim Jong Un with two fully paid holidays in Singapore and Vietnam. So, take Trump as just a conman, still able to con the ignorant USA voters.

And for his anti-war antics, it sure makes Trump a possible target for assassination. That bullet missing his brain by centimeters mirrors the bullet that took out the skull and brain material of John F. Kennedy. Anyway, the assassination is now so muddied with so many claims and counterclaims, it boggles the mind. And they have not yet started to fabricate more evidence to corner Iran, with blaming China possibly on the horizon as well. We know how the USA operate.

Anonymous said...

The Americans like war because they are the one that decide where the war is to be fought and how it is to be fought, and under one condition, it must be fought away from the American homeland.

Anywhere, except in America, when they can enjoy their hamburgers and beers and see how the war is going on, how people are killed, in the peace of homeland America.

Anonymous said...

When a protest is a 'sight to behold' even though it is not a real war, it shows the mindset of the war mongers. Ask Nancy Pelosi, the evil witch.

Now they know war and its destruction is not going to avoid the USA. The missiles, the drones are not going to avoid the USA. But for now, as long a war is not on USA soil, the USA tells its allies and cronies that there is an iron-clad commitment that they will help.

That iron-clad commitment did not last in Vietnam, did it? It did not last, even after two decades in Afghanistan as well. How long is Ukraine going to last with the iron-clad' promise trotted out every day. How can the EU still be buying the USA 'iron clad' commitment really boggles the mind?

And Taiwan is now saying that the defense of Taiwan must depend on Taiwanese themselves. Is this an indication that the USA is changing its 'iron clad' commitment to Taiwan? Perhaps TSMC is now not worth protecting with China closing the gap on high-end chip making? The Chip Alliance is losing the chip war. Taiwan has little strategic value I suppose.

Virgo49 said...

North Korea, Iran, China and Russia should simultaneously at one go sank that damn UAssA.

Still Thinking that they are immune to any attacks from outside?

Then have peace to the World