
India fines BYD 730 million, but BYD sells 1960 cars only in India



17 min clip in Chinese but with English subtitles. When would the Chinese learn and stop throwing good money into India to be cheated and robbed? Are the Chinese so stupid that after being cheated and robbed over and over again and still refused to learn. 

Xi Jinping should put a stop on all investments in India and pull out all the factories and plants in India.

If the Indians want to buy EVs, mobile phones, etc etc, buy from China and money upfront. No credit.
The Indians hate the Chinese. Period. They are all out to cheat and rob the Chinese.


Anonymous said...

CRAZY! India Purchases 400 BYD Electric Trucks, but Then Demands $8.7 Million in Fines from BYD!

In 2023, India purchased 400 electric heavy trucks from China's BYD Auto Company for use as terminal tractors at four ports of the Adani Group.

However, when BYD completed the delivery of 304 electric heavy trucks, the Indian government suddenly imposed a fine of 730 million rupees on BYD Company of China on the grounds of suspected tax evasion. In fact, this is not the first time that India has imposed a huge fine on foreign-funded enterprises.


Anonymous said...

India wants to get the 400 electric heavy trucks from BYD for free !


Anonymous said...

India is the only country in the world that would buy from a foreign supplier, then fine the foreign supplier to cover the costs of the purchase !

Anonymous said...

What is 400 trucks? They even got a free bank!

Thanks to all the stupid Chinese that stupidly throw money into the black hole. The stupid ones after being cheated, would cry foul.

The lesser stupid ones would stop throwing money there.

The most stupid ones would pretend all is fine.

India will do fine with so many stupid Chinese feeding them. Free money, free technology and helping to solve its unemployment problem and no need to say thank you.

And those that got cheated dare not say a thing for fear of losing their face because of their own stupidity.

Anonymous said...

India also wants weapons from Russia for free. At least that seems to be the idea, by trying to force Russia to accept rupees in payment. What is Russia going to do with those rupees with India having nothing to sell to Russia? China is able to sell those things that Russia needs, from EVs, semiconductors, smartphones, consumer products, in fact everything.

The biggest slap on India's face by Russia is asking India to pay with Chinese Yuan, which India can never agree even if Russia place a sword on Modi's neck. What other currencies can India pay with then? US$ in Russian hands is like toilet papers, unusable except to wipe doggie arseholes after shitting.

Virgo49 said...

Simple. Lend me $500.00 when friend took out $1000.00 snatch the money and said goodbye 👋

Anonymous said...

Don't blame India when there are so many stupid suckers willing to let the Indians cheat them of their hard earned money. Oops, not their hard earned money, but their taxpayers' hard earned money.

Anonymous said...

Those who are older will remember the saying 'Indian Accounting'. Put in S$500 investments and they will take it as theirs using 'Indian Accounting' and add a fine saying you broke the law. And that fine will be hundreds of times more than the S$500. Worse than illegal moneylenders with their atrocious interest rates.

Anonymous said...

MUMBAI, July 15 2024

Temasek plans to invest up to US$10 billion in India over three years in sectors such as financial services and healthcare, a top executive said on Monday (Jul 15), favouring the South Asian nation as it turns cautious on China.

India's economy is growing sharply and its stock markets are trading near record highs amid an IPO and dealmaking boom. India accounts for 7 per cent of Temasek's global exposure which it wants to increase further, said Mohit Bhandari, the company's managing director for India investments.

Anonymous said...

Previously, India also imposed heavy fines on Xiaomi and some other western companies, also the same reason of rax evasion
Even BBC wasn't spared when it incriminated PM Modi for role in je Gujerati killings.

Anonymous said...

India's economy is growing sharply and that means bad news for India when the USA starts getting worried and may start resorting to its old habit of taking India down before it becomes another China.

But I believe India is not in any position to pose a threat to the USA or China within the next three decades at least. As not a few prominent economists clearly prophesied that 'the next China is still China'.

No matter how India's growth may be gloated about, the gap to close is still too wide in terms of upending China. Moreover, India still needs industrialization on a scale, unheard of in history, in order to pose any semblance of a challenge to the USA or China. Everything about India's growth has to be in multiples of what China can achieve in order for India to catch up. If China grows at 5%, India will need growth of at least 25% to catch up. Is that possible?

China's 5% growth will add about US$900 billion to its GDP every year. Even the USA at 2.5% growth only adds about another US$700 billion to its GDP annually. For India, growing at 20% merely adds another US$800 billion, still short for catching up. This is excluding compounding the figures every year. How is India expected to grow at 20% annually in GDP without the required infrastructure, skilled manpower and supply chains to helm its growth?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, India can just continue to gobble up foreign companies operating in India to fuel its domestic growth. Isn't that a possibility? This is assuming that foreign investors continue to be fooled and keep pouring money into India to be confiscated, on top of getting fined.

Anonymous said...

As a fund manager gambling with OPM, I my gamble the OPM in India.
If investing my own money, not a single cent in India.

Anonymous said...

As fund manager, can pakat with the Indians before investing in India. In this way, get a big cut first, never mind make money or lose money. If make money, can get bonus some more.

If lose money, already get a cut upfront. So win win all the time. Only how much to win.

Virgo49 said...

Made believe!

Statistics always lies!

Where in the World any country can grow its GDP at 20 to 25%?

Single digit at over 5 to 6 already in billions!


Virgo49 said...

GDP at 20 to 25%?


Just hot air plucked from the trees?

At single digit above 5 to 6 already champions

Anonymous said...

Of course, 20 to 25% growth is just to make the Indians feel good. Indians love apple polishing. They hate criticism, constructive or not. They even hate their own Indian nationals talking negative about India.