
When sanctions backfired

 Western media not only can no longer suppress the truth about China, but they also lost all credibility by crying wolf too many times, with false narratives that have been exposed. Once the truth comes out, nothing is going to put the genie back into the bottle.

Like sanctions, which should have been used sparingly to good effect, but overusing it is going to backfire. Now the USA is finding it out with de-dollarization on the cards. Russia, being the most sanctioned country on planet earth is showing the world the futility of sanctions. Instead, Russia is growing and is now a 'high income' country. Some other EU countries are going from first world to third. Going downhill can be fast and furious. The Germans are feeling the pressure of EU tariffs on China. A retaliation by China is on the cards.

China is investigating the dumping of pork by the EU, which we know so far. More pain is coming up for the USA and EU if they try to set up manufacturing in other countries to bypass Chinese tariffs. This is just the same way that the USA and the EU is going after Chinese manufacturing setups to bypass tariffs in Mexico, Brazil and Vietnam among others. It is going to be an eye for an eye now. The USA no longer has the monopoly of punishing competitors like in the past. That era is over and a new era around BRICS is going to dictate the terms. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who are actually going to lose the most with the USA tariffs on Chinese EVs?

Not the USA, but the Germans and Japanese in the latest episode of tariff increases on Chinese EVs and the resulting counter by China. Of course, USA consumers are also going to pay the additional tariffs imposed by the USA Government. Let us call it an additional tax that they have to shoulder, making cost of living more unbearable for them.

Who are the biggest losers of the energy sanctions against Russia?

Not the USA, which is actually benefitting, but the Germans and other EU countries and the Japanese as well, with the resulting counter by Russia selling highly discounted energy to China and India, to give them an even bigger advantage in manufacturing costs that makes their products even more competitive on the global market.

That it was a big win-win situation for Russia, China and India is not lost on the USA and the EU, thus they are trying to cut off the trade links between Russia and the other two Asian giants.

The sticking point of all this is that taking action against China must be followed by equally positive action against India in order to be effective, which the USA is not doing as it still needs India to provide some semblance of counter against China on its behalf. The USA is therefore caught between a rock and a hard place. The USA is even afraid of pushing the Muslim and Sikh issues against India, using Canada as the proxy and punching bag.