
Trump's ear shot


.Analyse the two pictures of Trump's ear. Top picture showed a bloody ear with blood on the rim of the ear. A very unusual way for the blood to flow. Where did the bullet graze his ear?

Why the necessity to put up such a big plaster to cover his ear? The cut by the bullet, if there was one, cannot be figured out in the top picture, meaning it was very small. Then why so much blood, where was the wound? The blood seemed to have stop flowing without any sign of effort to stop its flow. Look at the bottom of the ear where the blood stopped abruptly.

If so much blood had flowed out, it meant the wound was quite big and the blood would not have stopped on its own.

Look again at the clean part of the face as if the blood was wiped away. Very clean. Why wiped this part and not the rest of the blood on the face? So that Trump can be photographed with the 'blood' on his face?


Anonymous said...

And why was his white collar just inches below his ear was pure white, not a speck of blood on it?

Anonymous said...

The blood did not want to stain his clean white shirt.

Anonymous said...

All the clowns in the Republican Party wants Trump to be their President because they know that Trump is smarter than them, and cleaner than them.

Same logic applies to the Democrats. They believe or know that they are more stupid than Biden.

As for all the hillbillies out there, no need to know why. Everyone knows how stupid the hillbillies are. All brawn and no brain.

This is the main reason why the Indians are taking over America.

Anonymous said...

Hollywood scriptwriters know how to cover all corners. They have every explanation for every eventuality. Didn't they cover up the JFK assassination, erasing the footprint of the CIA behind? Didn't they cover up 911, an inside job? Didn't they get away with the Nord Stream pipeline bombing, pushing the blame to five men in a sampan? Didn't they get away with Iraq invasion based on fabricated evidence?

USA exceptionalism is at play in every plot written inside their playbook. They knew they will get away with murder they wrote.

Anonymous said...

They are pushing the narrative that Iran was involved in the assassination attempt against Trump. We know they want to go after Iran now knowing it is a big threat in the Middle East against Israel.

Their modus operandi is to give the dog a bad name and then skin it. It is the same as accusing China of being the facilitator of the Russian war in Ukraine. Where they cannot win by fair means they resort to foul.

What does Iran hope to gain by taking out Trump? Biden is just as bad for Iran. In fact, both are bad for Russia, China, Iran and BRICS as well.

Anonymous said...

The white terrorists are pushing for war everyday and everywhere.

Virgo49 said...

Americunts Hollywood are very good for plotting and accusations against those they wanted to bring down.

Anonymous said...

Looks like ketchup to me.