
Trump versus Kamala....Indecency versus girl guide

 Trump is not a lawyer, a distinct disadvantage in politics, even though he is a well-known conman with a glib tongue. True, his age is also a disadvantage when it comes to quick thinking, memory and recalling facts and lies as well.

I guess most have forgotten about his boast regarding draining the swamp. Instead, he replenished the swamp with even more nefarious creatures, a few of which are now even stabbing him in the back. When he falls behind Harris, more of such swamp creatures will come out with more dirty laundry exposure on Trump. You can bet on it.

And let us not forget about his threat of 'making North Korea disappear from the face of the earth' that never see the light of day. Instead, he sheepishly slithered into his hole after two meetings that ended in abject failures to de-nuclearize North Korea. He thinks Kim Jong Un is not smart, but it turns out that Kim actually outsmarted him. His de-nuclearization adventure ended there and then.

Trump thinks it is that simple, like telling everyone that trade wars are easy to win, just to meet with Kim and get him to denuclearize. North Korea will be stepped upon by the USA if Kim does so. After three generations of the Kim regime had fought so hard for possession of the bomb, Kim Jong Un is not going to end all that effort even if Trump points a gun at Kim's head. That is wishful thinking on the part of Trump.

Now Trump is again up to his conman tricks, threatening to 'erase Iran from the face of the earth'. For all we know, there is Russia behind the Iranians and Iran is said to be able to have the bomb within weeks. With Russian help, nothing is impossible. It is up to the USA to take the risk of dabbling with the Iranians, knowing that Iranians do not issue idle threats as well. 



Anonymous said...

Whoever wins in November, USA is doomed. Whatever rhetoric the two candidates are spouting all spells disaster for the USA. But the voters will soak it all up like a sponge, believing every word.

Can Trump or Harris really be seen as able to deal with the USA debts? Can any of them be able to deal with the escalating poverty, the homelessness, the drug problems, the political polarization within the country? If the Republicans could, Trump would have done so during his earlier term. If the Democrats could, Harris would have done so during her term as Vice President. Each party is leaving the problems to fester under paralysis, knowing that after four years it is not their problem anymore if they lose re-election. Kicking the can further down the road had been going on for decades.

The USA itself has perfected its modus operandi of blaming others into an art. Whatever goes wrong is always Russia or China's fault. That they cannot compete with China is due to overcapacity and is China's fault. China must therefore give way and let the USA compete and win the game.

That they cannot produce anything that consumers worldwide want is because China stole all the factories and jobs, leaving the USA hollowed out with de-industrialization. Is the USA listening to what the Europeans are saying about its 'Inflation Reductions Act' using subsidies to lure EU factories to relocate to the USA? EU factories and jobs are also being stolen by the USA. Does the USA care?

China never enticed Steve Jobs to make iPhones in China with huge subsidies. Steve Jobs and others invested in China to make bigger profits by taking advantage of the 'slave labor'. 'Slave labor' was an accusation never mentioned before, when their factories were merrily reaping in the profits and laughing all the way to the bank. Now it is an issue, after freeloading on cheap products for decades.

Countries must never try to be better than the USA, which must remain as the top dog in everything. Any attempt to change the status quo is a threat. Japan and Germany were beaten down with atrocious accusations when they were rising spectacularly to threaten the USA.

Germany's attempt to have closer relations with Russia to benefit from cheaper energy was sabotaged by the USA and perceived as a threat. The USA made sure of that by taking out the Nord Stream pipelines. Japan fell for all the USA's sinister traps that killed off its rise permanently, with this and that accord that the Japanese fell into. The USA is even placing roadblocks when Japan tried to save its Yen's freefall. Japan had earlier been warned by Janet Yellen not to go overboard in propping up the Yen. What arrogance! Latest events have shown that Japan had discreetly been selling US$ assets to save the Yen in desperation. That will be a costly move for Japan going forward. Satan never forgives or forget!

Virgo49 said...

Nike and all other brands manufactured as in China as production costs at UAss 5$.

Now may be more.

But also not more.

Sold to daft countries especially Sinking Sinkieland at S$150.00 plus and above.

China over productions?

Americunts been living on the cheap from China's blood and sweat and alreday lost their abilities to work.

Living in luxurious and decandnece lifestyles.

Now they can accused the PRCs for their doom?

Imports more than their exports productions thats where the Defecits are!

Worked one month, holiday three months.

Blame your laziness.

Many many Western Demo Crazy Bananas Countries following their lifestyles.

M.O.T. all kaput.

That's why so many joining BRICs with BRICKS thrown and sunk the Western Bloc Decandnece Countries.

ASEAN, with Malaysia, Vietnam and soon others be joining in.

Only Sinking Land be OUT in the COLD.

Principle to sanction Russia and Gold towards China?

Thats going to be your folly and just desert.

Still sucking up wholesale to your dying White Masters?

Virgo49 said...


Virgo49 said...


UAssA doggie

Virgo49 said...


On the Way to HELL.

Virgo49 said...

Also another how many billions in India.

Own Sinkies Delivery of Food and Parcels piece meals workers.

Anonymous said...

If Trump win, I guess sinkieland will spend another 16million to invite him over with buddy Kim. Ms Vivian & OyouTang can serve coffee & take selfie with them not to forget Laulan wong will be on stage to entertain them with his guitar. Pinkies will be sharing his experience on how to still stay in power even though he is "suppose" to be retired.