
Israel does not have enough million dollar missiles to take down missiles, rockets and drones

 With that ruling by the ICJ, Netanyahu has to rush to Washington to seek help from Congress and advice while Hezbollah in the North keeps firing missiles into the Golan Heights, Israel. On the Southern side, the Houthis are doing the pounding of the Eilat, and Hamas is still alive and kicking in Gaza on the Western side. Israel has exhausted its 'Iron Dome' defense missiles and needs Washington's help urgently.

In the other war in Ukraine, Zelensky is facing the same problem of shortage of ammunitions. How to plug two leaking arseholes now for the USA on top of all the domestic problems brewing?

It is a bad time for Netanyahu to visit the USA, with Biden missing or decapacitated. He now has to deal with the second in line, the shrieking hyena, Kamala Harris, of all people. And at home in Israel, with missiles raining down from all sides, life is turning out to be intolerable for the Israeli people. They supported it and they now have to live with it.

The myth of the invincibility of the Israeli 'Iron Dome' defense is unravelling. The 'Iron Dome' is becoming more like the 'Iron Doom'. As some people said, do not mess with Iran in the Middle East, while in East Asia the advice is never bet against China. 



Anonymous said...

I believe Netanyahu is losing support in Congress and with protests erupting during his current visit to Washington. The support for him is really running thin, even at home in Israel. He needs to carry on the war to keep at bay the case against him for bribes and fraud. His survival rest on his continuing his forever wars, now escalating against Hezbollah and the Houthis. The problem is how much support he can get from the USA under Trump or Harris.

But USA politics is often sending misleading signals just to win votes for the campaigners for the White House job. Trump now wants to 'erase Iran from the face of the earth'. Harris is talking about not letting off the humanitarian issues in Gaza committed by Israel. Those postures are more for their domestic consumption than reflecting what they really stand for.

Take those postures with lots of salt. The USA establishment puts on a face to fool the masses and another that the world does not see but can clearly discern very well by its action. It is hidden in deceit, lying, cheating and stealing.

The swamp on both sides of the divide is the same set of people just playing musical chairs. Trump promised to drain the swamp during his first term, but he infested the swamp with even more toxic characters at his whims and fancies. Characters who are now even willing to sell him out in his fight against the system.

Anonymous said...

Perhap our cotton sheep education minister could invite Nutyahoo to have a presentation to our students..haha