
Washington clowns playing poker with China and Russia dangerously and holding a weak hand

 Russia is not waiting. Russia is building up its military logistics frantically to keep up with the threat from NATO. With energy in abundance and mineral resources unlimited, what else does Russia need? Nothing much is available or left for the USA and certainly not NATO. NATO is already struggling with expensive energy for keeping its manufacturing alive.

China is not sitting idly by as well. The good thing is that some weapons that China possesses are not privy to the enemy and is just a wild guess by the USA. Keep it that way, China. The USA tried ways and means to spy on the Chinese military, now that 4G is not in use by the Chinese, with 5G under Huawei's control in China now beyond the USA's ability to do any hanky panky business. The USA tried dropping devices around China in the South China Sea, hoping to eavesdrop on bits of information, but such devices were discovered by China.

Thanks to 5G usage, the USA and its allies can no longer spy on the Chinese military at will as in the past. The West is understandably still working on 4.5G, masquerading as 5G and yet still struggling. But they are jumping on to 7G, not 6G, LOL. No head no tail and expect to make the leap to 7G like farting hot air. Setting up relay stations for 5G is already a big issue in the USA and 7G probably needs different relay stations altogether to work properly. 5G cannot work with 4G relay stations, right?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never underestimate the Russians in countering USA drones and missile technology. It has been reported that the Russians have been jamming successfully the GPS guidance system of the USA weapons, making them inaccurate and in some instances hitting their own friendly targets.

Reports have also surfaced that the Ukrainians and even high-tech Israelis are not in favor of using USA Reaper Drones in combat, as they are reported to be problematic and inaccurate. The Ukrainians have resorted to using DJI civilian drones bought at normal outlets and reconfigure them for military use, claiming they are more accurate than those multi-million-dollar Reaper Drones. Ouch, that hurts!

Based on such reports, what can we say about those drones used by the PLA. Surely, they cannot be inferior to civilian drones bought off the shelves. Chinese military drones have not yet been used so far that we have yet to come across, so China just have to keep the information tight.

We know the USA and the West are keen to find out China's military status, knowing they have been sniping around the South China Sea region. Two years ago, a USA nuclear Submarine conducting espionage met with disaster in the South China Sea, hitting an unknown object, an underwater mountain they claimed, and limping to Guam for repairs. The damage was substantial from pictures taken, but any radiation leak was unknown or had been covered up.

Imagine a US$3 billion submarine hitting an underwater mountain sounds rather unbelievable, in a region as wide as an ocean, with all the sophisticated instruments on board. The submarine's guidance system must be totally obsolete, or was the object not a mountain but something else placed underwater by the Chinese? But they managed to spin it out of people's suspicion.