
Breaking News! - NATO declares war on China

 In the meeting in Washington with NATO leaders, the white savages led by the Americans, have announced that China is a party to the war in Ukraine, an enabler to Russia. They alleged that without China, Russia would have been defeated. China is now an enemy to NATO and the Americans. This is worst than just calling China a threat. This is also the last hope for senile Biden to continue as the President of the USA. Actually, very likely, it was decided by Blinken and Sullivan. Biden would not have thought of it.

To the white savages, 'you are with me or against me'. No country is safe. No country can stay neutral or trade with Russia. India would now come under great pressure to stop trading with Russia or be labelled like China. BRICS countries would not be spared either.

American colonies, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand have been summoned to Washington to take orders to prepare for war against China.

America and NATO have just declared World War 3. China must not be deluded that it can live in peace by not being involved. So would North Korea, Iran and all the countries in the Global South. The white savages are going to fight the rest of the world, to dominate and control the world by defeating Russia and China.

All NATO states are ramping up their war industries!


Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Come on!

Don't postures and waste your breaths.

High and Good time for China to extract their tons of flesh.

Opportune time for SWEET REVENGE you Bastards Savages and Barbarains.

North Korea Kim also waiting to extract their kilos of flesh.

Great News!

NATO aka No Action Talk Only.

All hot Airs and farms.

Virgo49 said...

Farts not farms. Farms your head

Anonymous said...

Ramping up war production now without the control of raw materials like rare earth and essential supply chains like legacy semiconductors, not necessarily high-end ones for most weapons, are just empty boasts and posturing. China still controls the rare earth global reserves and processing logistics that can cripple the USA Military Industrial Complex if war starts.

Ramping up war production now? That will take years and if present stockpiles can last the initial strike, can it last and for how long without relying on supplies from China? Who is stupid enough to supply enemies with materials to attack itself? Isn't it too late after exhausting all the stockpiles by sending them to Ukraine and Israel, on top of destruction caused to a weapons factory explosion recently. Who are they trying to kid?

The USA and NATO thought that using Orban and Modi to talk to Putin will end the war in Ukraine in a hurry so that they can pivot to China? China, North Korea and Iran have not been sleeping while the USA and NATO are posturing for war. They are ready for that.

That meeting called for in Washington is all to help Biden win in November. Oh, lest I forget, Biden openly claimed that his brain is gone, but he is still healthy to run. Imagine having a USA President without a brain? That is preposterous and insanity. But it is not a problem for his supporters.

What are they meeting in Washington for? For another photoshoot? Remember they are there to meet someone without a functioning brain. They are just birds of a feather flocking together to share some bird seeds.

Anonymous said...

As if farting hot air in Brussels is not enough, they are going to Washington to use their farts to help Joe Biden win the election.

Anonymous said...

No worries, China alone can defeat all of US, NATO, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand combined! Add Russia, North Korea and Iran, it will be total annihilation of the West and their cronies.

Hope that Singapore PM Lawrence Wong can choose wisely like LKY . . .

Anonymous said...

George Lucas wrote about this day in his Star Wars series, of an evil Empire and the world united to fight this evil Empire.

The time has come for the world to unite to take down this Evil Empire. This is the moment the whole world is waiting for. It is an existential War, a war of survival for the people of the world.