
Ukraine War - Russian economy growing, European economies shrinking

 India is perceptively moving away from its coziness with the USA and UK. Modi is in Russia making an attempt to bring peace between Russia and Ukraine. The fall of Rishi Sunak in the UK is making Modi nervous about sleeping with the West.

Even hardcore anti-China Indian sites are more moderate in their criticism of China. But let us not read too much into that.

Modi knows India is running into big problems with jobs and an exploding population needing mass job creation. Perhaps India is planning another CECA with Russia, LOL.

Should the USA and the West begin expressing their love for Muslims and Sikhs in India, Modi is in trouble. He must look for alternatives knowing the USA and the West can start pushing India on issues to stop India from getting closer and helping Russia, since that is already being played out with China.

These are the USA and NATO's desperate moves, more so when seeing Russia still growing its economy despite two years into the war and is now being classified as a 'high income' country by the World Bank. With sanctions galore and funding a war, Russia still manages to chalk up growth better than the NATO countries, which is a slap on the face of the USA and the EU.

Thirty-two countries in NATO together still failed to bring Russia down with more than 16,000 sanctions. And NATO thinks it can do much by expanding into Asia to confront China?



Anonymous said...

There are reports that Western businesses are trying to make a return to Russia, seeing the economy of Russia doing better than the EU. This is too little too late for the West as the Russians themselves are taking over the domestic market like fast food and retailing and Chinese investments already sinking roots in Russia. Suffice to say, Chinese investors are fast in making their presence felt as soon as a vacuum arises. Sales of Chinese EVs for example are taking over the market left vacant by Western carmakers. Those Western carmakers have already lost the market in Russia for good and retaking it is out of the question.

Russia is now a 'high income' country according to the World Bank, which is to say that Russian consumers are able to afford more growing wants than just basic necessities. And this is a sure way to grow its economy with demands fueling more manufacturing investments and creating more jobs. It will fuel a cycle of fast growth in Russia's economy.

Why is the USA and the West so fixated on trying to overwhelm Russia? Russia is such a huge country to over-run, not to talk about control. It may be rich in resources that the USA and the West are ogling with green eyes, but reaching for it is another matter. The West and Japan had tried the same modus operandi against China in the last century, but China's size was a big problem for them to control. They tried breaking China up among themselves, just around the Eastern provinces, hoping to control China like in Africa. They failed and they will fail against Russia as well when thinking about how daunting the idea is.

Anonymous said...

Another report concerns Saudi Arabia warning the EU and USA that if they were to seize the US$300 billions of Russian assets, Saudi Arabia would dispose of its European debt holdings.

It does not surprise us that Saudi Arabia is watching closely the actions of the EU and USA with regard to this issue. We all know that the Saudi Royals have massive investments in the West, which the West can also seize in the event of hostility.

Anonymous said...

China too will be watching and a wrong move by the USA and EU will result in a tsunami of countries dumping USA and EU debt holdings. What that is going to do is unthinkable.

Anonymous said...

If you rent a house from a landlord and, out of spite, moves out, what will the landlord do? He will rent the house to someone else.

And when you are thinking of returning to rent the same house, will that work? What a joke to think of that! The landlord will tell you, go and find a spider.