
Trump or Biden cannot save America going broke

 How to vote both out? The Deep State's idea was and is to put both as candidates, so voters only can vote for the Deep State's right hand or the left hand. That is the choice the voters have been given.

After all, the playbook that both candidates use is the same book. The songbook that the Democrats and Republicans are using in Congress are the same songbook. The USA's political system can never change.

What is the favorite song in the USA playbook and songbook? Using the Russian and Chinese bogeymen as punching bags for their domestic consumption is top of the list. Real domestic issues play second fiddle. Homelessness, escalating debt, drug infestation, people raiding supermarkets and laughing at Biden's gaffes are inconsequential and deniable. Those issues can be left to fester after every four years for the next President to inherit. What is even worse is raising tariffs that will cause even greater misery to USA voters with higher cost of EVs and other Chinese products after November.

Talking about USA debts and the fear of a default is one example of how ignorant the USA voters are. Most would assume that China and Japan will suffer the most in the event of a debt default by the USA. That is far from the truth. Foreign holders of USA debts stand at just about 7 trillion, with the Fed holding about 5 trillion and Banks another 3.5 trillion. The rest of about 19 trillion is held by USA citizens, corporate entities, hedge funds and pension funds. Pension funds carry the most damage to USA citizens in the event of default.

So, who suffers the most in the event of a debt default by the USA? Not China or Japan obviously, though they will be affected. It is the USA citizens themselves. Everything will be wiped out - pensions, investments, bank accounts resulting from bank failures, with their American dreams turned to rubble.

The Fed and USA Treasury are making great efforts to flog a dying horse using hanky panky moves and lying to the public about how strong the USA economy is and how tight the job market has become. Amidst the escalating debt, some are even suggesting that just printing more toilet papers will help to save the debt crisis. That will be the straw that is going to break the camel's back in de-dollarization for sure. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is little hope of either Trump or Biden saving the USA. How is it possible with all the debts, trade deficits, floundering banks, homeless issue, drug infestation, two wars to upkeep and another war coming up. And with decoupling and de-dollarization taking center stage. The USA will in fact go deeper into misery.

There is however hope that Trump will destroy China after Biden leaves. Putting these two dinosaurs in the White House, one a nursing home escapee and the other a conman personified, the objective of the Deep State is basically testing to see which one will have a better strategy to destroy China. That is all that the Deep State is hoping for.

Saving the USA is the least of their concern and a mission impossible. The more chaos there are in the USA, the better for the Deep State to control the people. In fact, chaos is coming to all of Europe including the UK. All that talk about Far Right or Far Left is just confusion to muddy the waters. The people are suffering and sick and tired of their leaders in the EU.

Whichever way they voted, it is the same, with little change going to happen. Labor in UK is not going to be better. The UK is also following the same playbook as the USA. The UK Parliament is also singing from the same songbook as the USA Congress. All the swamp creatures are still hanging there, and the same old faces are just waiting to be chosen to take part to run the country. A game of musical chairs for the same old same old players.