
SCO - who cares if Modi did not attend

 Modi knew he would largely be ignored with the likes of Putin and Xi at the SCO meeting. Modi has Hindu cult support in India and has a big ego to uphold and does not handle well with any bruising of his big ego. India had already been singled out as acting contrary to BRICS agenda of expansion and Modi knows it, and so does those at the SCO meeting.

At any big meeting, Putin and Xi will get the lion's share of the press coverage. At the G20 meeting in Bali in 2022, even Biden was upstaged by Xi's presence. Most leaders attending the G20 in Bali were keen to speak to Xi on the sidelines.

Not many heads of state, even USA Presidents, gets the kind of welcome that Xi got in Astana, Kazakhstan. A Jets fly past followed by inspection of Guard of Honour can only be for someone that is appreciated. Xi had the same distinctive Jet fly past welcome in Saudi Arabia. He was equally well received in Slovakia and Hungary. Why do they go all out to put on such a welcome for one demonized as a 'Dictator'? Oh please, do not say that the CCP paid them to put on a good show. 


PS. The agenda of SCO would be about security and trade within central Asian states, mostly the Muslim states with China and Russia, about BRI, about more new members, nothing concerning India. India is just a calefare in the SCO with no roles to play.

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