
Washington clowns pushing Islamic States to China and Russia

 The Islamic States are becoming more united since the Israel/Hamas conflict erupted. What the USA has done by supporting Israel has a lot to do with it. It may look great talking about iron chains and all out support but will ultimately again be shooting the USA's own foot.

This is just a replay of what the USA did to Russia to push Russia towards China. Now the duo is a big problem for the USA. With all the top geopolitical advisers inside the Biden Administration, they are making one misstep after another.

Not only that, but the USA's geopolitical game is alienating even allies like those in the EU. They have been sacrificed for the interest of the USA alone. What does the EU hope to gain by antagonizing Russia? They lost all the available cheap energy to run their factories and heat their homes. And manufacturing is leaving the EU in droves. Are these worth the sacrifice to make just to please the USA?



Anonymous said...

Iran has already been pushed towards Russia. Afghanistan is moving closer to China. The rest not so sure, Even Saudi Arabia is rather undecided, not fully decisive. Jordan is pro-USA.

Anonymous said...

Saudi Arabia and Jordan are Arab and Muslim countries and would want to support their Arab and Muslim brothers. But both are under the control of the Americans and the Jews. Their leaders could be assassinated any moment when they make a wrong move not favourable to the Americans and Israelis.
The Americans have military bases in both countries, ready to take over these two states just like taking over Iraq and Syria.
Likewise is Japan and South Korea and now the Philippines.