
USA is infested with drug addicts but its athletes are all free from drugs. Can you believe this?

 For years I have been thinking about the performance of Florence Joyner Griffith's world record in the 100 and 200-meters dash set in 1988, which has never been broken for more than 35 years, not even closely touched by any other women athlete. That was really a performance thought of as impossible, but that it stood for so long tells the whole story of how it was achieved.

Then she died suddenly at age 38 in her sleep. That was a clear indication and the result of her prolonged use of steroids or performance enhancing drugs in her record-breaking feat. The World Wrestling Entertainment is full of wrestlers on steroids that passed away suddenly and most of them at a young age. Just look at her massive thighs indicating steroid use. Her death was officially attributed to a childhood birth defect. Nice try indeed, but unconvincing. They tried to musk her feat with claims that she was tested and there were no indication of any performance enhancing drug use. How did they do it is no mystery.

In the past, not all performance enhancing drugs were considered illegal and many were just added on as banned substances as the years go by. What may be illegal today may have been ignored in past testing regime, and Florence Joyner Griffith may just be fortunate to have taken advantage of the loopholes to leverage on her performance. Or that the USA knew what to avoid in order to clear her path to participate. The USA's exploiting loopholes is an art that it has perfected. Her record will never be broken and will help the USA to hang on to the two records in history forever to gloat upon.

Now, any outstanding performances by any athlete is being accused of doping in the eyes of the USA and the West, especially when it comes to Asian performances. Chinese swimmer Pan Zhanle's world record in the 100-meter free style long course event, the only swimming world record at the Paris Olympics thus far, has been under intense scrutiny and thought of as just impossible. Co-incidentally there was also a report of another Caucasian athlete that shaved even more seconds from his or her personal best ever and never been accused of being on drugs.

As China continues to dominate and the USA losing its dominance in swimming and track and field, more unfair measures will be added to thwart Asian performances. When they cannot win by merit, they will resort to using foul means.

On a lighter note, have they started on BYDs dominance of EVs as being on doping too? Or China's dominance in manufacturing as all fueled by doping, LOL. That cannot work, right? So inventing over-capacity was thought to work. The USA and the West are very innovative when it comes to playing the demonizing game. Think of the US$300 million too and what it can do.



Anonymous said...

Many USA athletes had been tested positive for drug violations but were given immunity by the World Anti-Doping Agency to participate despite their doping history.

The USA, according to a list compiled to indicate the percentage of drug violations its athletes committed is way ahead of China at 1.2% as against China's 0.2%. This is despite China having three times more athletes tested. Even Canada is no angel in drug usage testing coming in at 1.1%.

Anonymous said...

Nobody can beat that great drug cheat, Lance Armstrong.

Anonymous said...

USA had many drug cheats. The Williams sisters in Tennis. Florence Joyner Griffith in athletics. Marion Jones in athletics as well among others. The first two escaped punishment using the 'immunity' excuse. The third did not escape punishment.

Sha'Carri Richardson in athletics is now still competing in Paris. Simone Bile in gymnastics is now still competing in Paris. Nobody talks about them nor raise questions about their past drug violations. Not the MSM, not the coaches, not those who are competing against them.

So, how clean are the athletics competition really? How clean are the gymnastics competition really? The same questions they are asking about swimming being tainted by doping, just because of Pan Zanle's 100mt freestyle world record in Paris. They keep digging at this past conviction to tarnish his accomplishments. Why are they not digging up the past on Sha'Carri Richardson or Simone Biles?

Anonymous said...

Lance Armstrong was a drug cheat for years. And they did not find out? Oh yes, lest I forget he was under immunity, which means no suspension even if tested positive. This is according to USA's 'Rules Based Order', silly me.

Anonymous said...

I think this incident is a good start to expose the USA doping record over the years. According to sources, many of the USA swimmers were often on asthma medication to enhance blood flow and was given the nickname ' The Asthma Team'. Many of the USA gymnast were on another drug, Adderol, to improve their concentration and was given the nickname 'The ADHD Team'.

These drugs are for enhancing performance, nothing more nothing less and yet no one on MSM, no coaches or other competitors have any complaints for years. What is the point of having the World Anti-Doping Agency when it is not doing its job properly and fairly?

Anonymous said...

Free from drugs or free from punishment? I do not believe in the first point, but I believe in the second point.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows the USA is infested with drug addicts . Just look at their cities, at Kensington in Pennsylvania. They call that street 'Pennsylvania Zombie Street'. That is just one of many drug hubs in the USA.

Anonymous said...

But the USA tried to hide them away, just like hiding their drug addicted athletes on the pretext of asthma or birth defects that needed drugs to make them perform better.