
The evilest country in history, the Brits, committed the biggest genocide in history in North America

 You know who has been most vocal about banning the Chinese from the Olympics? The Brits. The evilest country in history, that committed the biggest genocide in history in North America and the country that gave birth to an equally evil offspring, the USA.

Today, we can still see the Germans, French and Italian having quite sensible relations with China, albeit strained at times. The Italian Prime Minister just visited China. Not the obnoxious, snobbish Brits who are still thinking that are they are a respected global power. They are outright barbaric to the core. This little pariah of an outcast should be removed from the face of the earth for all the trouble they created. The Russians could not tolerate them either and Putin threatened to nuke them into dust. Boris Johnson sabotaged the last peace deal in Ukraine in 2022. The Russian will never forget his evil deed.

Meanwhile, I am enjoying the protesting now in Little Britain and it is a wonderful sight to behold. 



Anonymous said...

UK having riots bordering on a civil war. Karma is great.

Anonymous said...

How selfish are the rulers of the Brits throughout history is reflected in their Anthem - God save the King. It seems only their King is important to be saved, not their ordinary folks. Where else in any other country on earth has an anthem that is so selfishly constructed and so convoluted as the Brits? If China were to have its anthem asking God to save Mao Tse Tung or Xi Jinping, it will be ridiculed to no end.

Perhaps is it time to change that anthem to ask God to save Little Britain, as civil war is imminent. Now two sides are forming to counter each other, adding another dimension to the already complicated problem, as more and more protests are planned. Looking at videos of protestors attacking the police, I could see the police behind that shield looking in fear at the violent protestors throwing everything at them.

Events only needed one spark to ignite, and that is what happens in UK. Actually, it is a culmination of many issues, the high cost of living, the impression that immigrants, particularly from Ukraine are given special benefits, the problems associated with different ethnic groups invading the living space of the Whites that only needed one spark to ignite.

The UK is toast if civil war does erupt. Rishi Sunak must be born lucky not to be at the center of the UK Government having to deal with this. Kier Starmer thought he is the new game changer. It looks like the game is going to change him for taking on the PM's job just a month ago.

Anonymous said...

UK has gone to the dogs. Now using dogs and mounted police to harrass protestors. Animals used against humans is not violating human rights, LOL? Dam, this is more interesting than Hong Kong. Nancy Pelosi must be enjoying every minute of it.

Anonymous said...

The Americans, Brits and Nato are sending warships, aircraft and troops to wipe out Lebanon and Iran. And the Arab and Muslim nations are still hiding under the bed, not wanting to do anything to help defend their Arab and Muslim brothers. They don't think they will be next to be decimated.
This is the plight of the Arab and Muslim world. Selfish and short sighted and waiting to be led to the slaughter house.
Who to blame for their final demise in the hands of the Americans, Brits and Nato states?
All of them pretending nothing is happening, busy minding their own business.