
Paris Olympics - American athletes and swimmers are cheats, highly doped, but divert the blame to China

 Do watch this video by Fernando Munoz Bernal on Youtube titled 'Pan Zanle's 100mt World Record met with Racism'. You will, after watching it, probably can understand why the USA dominated the Olympics for decades. USA athletes were given extensive immunities compared to other countries by the World Anti-Doping Agency for their athletes that tested positive for dope, using the argument that there were compelling reasons to give them immunity for medical reasons. Most other countries were given scarce immunity. To be fair WADA should apply such immunity rules fairly for all countries, not just pandering to the interest of the USA alone.

In an expose by a Russian hacker inside the workings of WADA quoted by Fernando Munoz Bernal, it seems the doping charges levelled against others does not apply to the USA athletes, having most of the immunity given to them. Why? The answer is that this is also the corrupt system that works in other world bodies like the UN and WHO. Now even the Nobel Prize is under scrutiny. You see, the USA is the biggest contributor towards bodies like the WHO, UN, WADA and the like, and collectively calls all the shots as to how these bodies have to tailor their agenda to favor the USA. Short of that, these bodies are threatened with funds cut-off. That threat against the WHO over the COVID19 fiasco was a good example.

Does this ring a bell regarding campaign contributions by Big Oil, Big Pharma and Big Wall Street businesses towards Presidential candidates in the USA? Such campaign contributors also expect favorable treatment from those contributions, when their bet gets elected. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Thank about that as well!

Athletes like Simone Biles, who was tested positive just before RIO in 2016, was not suspended and went on the win four medals. Florence Joyner Griffith was on steroids but was never suspended and went on to set world records in 1988, that stood for more than 35 years and never to be broken. Did anyone, the MSM, coaches, athletes accused the USA of doping issues regarding their athlete's stellar performances?

The USA probably knows inside out what drugs are going to be tested and what drugs to avoid from inside knowledge, due to its predominant position inside the affairs of WADA. Gathering inside information in everything they have an interest in is the pre-occupation of the USA establishment. In economics or business terms we call it 'insider trading'. And that is one reason why Florence Joyner Griffith escaped detection over doping issues that were not in WADA's list of banned substances at that time. Conspiracy theory? What was the real reason why she died suddenly at age 38 in her sleep? They claimed it was due to a birth defect. We know better, looking at many World Westling Entertainment performers using steroids and passing away suddenly at a young age.

Now the USA is losing its dominance in swimming as well. And it is desperate to throw the blame on others using doping arguments, a performance enhancing measure that they excelled in for decades. And other White countries are jumping on the wagon and ganging up to demonize Chinese athletes, claiming their performances are impossible. Well, can they also argue that China's economy is impossible, China's HSR is impossible, China's EV production is impossible, China's shipbuilding is impossible and anything about China is impossible. They are all fakes!

Just a passing note, that former Australian swimmer, Brett Geoffrey Hawke is his name I think, raving like a raid dog and telling everybody that Pan Zanle's 46.40 seconds was impossible, when he was reported to be talking about the 'possibility' of even a 45 second 100-meter freestyle earlier. I leave that to your judgement of how twisted minds work.

PS. Without drugs, how could the Americans win so many golds in swimming?


PS. American swimmers' faces turned purple after every race. And this lasted for at least half an hour, indicating heavy doses of drugs that took time to disappear. This is how the Americans won so many medals but with little or no drug test.


Anonymous said...

The whole world had been duped by the USA's domination in swimming, athletics and gymnastics for decades at the Olympics.

The USA swimming team had been dubbed the 'Asthma Team' because of their widespread use of a drug by its top swimmers to promote blood flow, which in itself is a performance enhancing substance.

This was probably an immunity given to particular USA top swimmers that the USA leveraged on to perform spectacularly at the Olympics. Katie Ledecky swam 10 seconds faster than her nearest opponent in Paris but was never suspected of doping issues while all the accusation was directed towards Pan Zhanle's World Record swim in the 100mt freestyle.

Similarly, some of their top USA gymnasts had probably been given immunity to use the drug Adderall to address concentration or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder issues. Whether such gymnasts really had such disorders are questionable. As such the USA's gymnastic team had been dubbed the 'ADHD Team'. Concentration is the key point in gymnastics and the use of the drug is also a performance enhancing drug.

Most medals at the Olympics comes from sports such as swimming, athletics and gymnastics, which were and still are the sports dominated by the USA for decades. Excelling in these three sports alone is instrumental for overall top position standing and the USA knows this. In team sports like football, hockey or water-polo where a team medal is counted as one and is not a good bet for overall medals standing.

China now also knows what to bet on and concentrated on diving, table tennis, shooting and badminton and putting less emphasis on team sports like football, hockey and water polo among others, which China is just lack lustra in to say the least. But China is improving in swimming, which is muscling in on the turf of the USA. This is a no no and the weaponizing of doping by the USA and its cronies against China is accelerating.

Therefore, the USA has to be exposed in its doping and cheating regime. As Putin already said, the USA will accuse those of doing the very same things that they had been doing. The USA never looks at the devil in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Another interesting video on the current doping scandal at the Olympics - Jerry's Take on China titled 'Will the Real Olympic Cheats Please Stand Up'. Take a look!

Anonymous said...

More people who are able to dispense such countering as Fernando Munoz Bernal and Jerry's Take on China, should come forward to expose the real cheaters in sports who use underhand tactics to extract unfair exemptions and immunities.

Most people like me are unaware of how corrupt the USA was and is, until I dive deeper into the history of doping and came across all the vile tactics employed by the USA to excel in sports. The whole world should know and be aware as well.

Anonymous said...

One more video to digest - REAIEYES OR NOT site titled 'The doping scandal of the American Olympic star: The double standards of USADA fully exposed'. Take a look too!

Anonymous said...

The Americans cheat, lie, steal and kill....

Anonymous said...

The point is countries should not at all compete against USA in sports. Their athletes are all drug enhanced performers under their USADA monitoring system, which has different criteria for suspension from WADA. WADA appears to have no final jurisdiction over what the USADA dictates, thus having to allow all the USA drug cheats to compete in the Olympics.

Anonymous said...

Time for China and the Global South to move away from the swamp dominated by the drug cheats in the 'Old Lame Pigs' and form their own sporting body.

Anonymous said...

The dirty Americans cheat in every event but slander China for cheating. This is their SOP. Commit the crime and accuse others of the crime.
See the purple faces of their swimmers after every event. A clear sign of doping. But they would not be tested. So no doping, no cheating.

Anonymous said...

The problem is the USA's athletes drug testing regime are out of WADAs jurisdiction using their own USADA as the final say. How can the rest of the world tolerate this is something to think about.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...some beggars are known to be filthy rich. Zelensky is one super rich beggar.

Anonymous said...

This is Americans' so called Rules of Law. They set the laws for others to follow. They do not have to follow any laws.

Anonymous said...

Don't think they can do that much longer.

Anonymous said...

USADA is more powerful than WADA. It can approved drugs for American athletes and WADA cannot do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

'Old Lame Pigs' is going to be history. It was profitable for countries as hosts in the past, but now it is a money losing business for those intending to host the games. They hype about attracting this and that did not materialize at all.

The Commonwealth Games is already a dead horse, with countries shunning being host to the games. Many countries declined the invitation to hold the games including Australia (Victoria), Malaysia and Singapore among many others.