
The Chinese should learn from USA and Singapore, hire Indian CEOs for their successful companies?

 Better for India to plan to take over China - inheriting the Industrial over-capacity and logistics, the all-conquering EV hub, the most competitive shipyards, the abundant STEM graduates, the well-built HSR, the world-class infrastructures, the world's second largest GDP, and the well-established and efficient CCP Government as well. India should throw out its democratic system stifling its growth and adopt the Chinese model.

After all, China's population is reported to be declining fast, so just should fit in nicely for India's expanding population. That will really be utilizing 'India's Population Dividend' to good effect instead of having headaches to resolve the problem. And there is the huge land mass in China for Indians to build, since they love building so much as displayed in Sinkieland, but strangely not in India. Sinkieland cannot match such a big land mass as China and needing to keep filling up of the surrounding seas.

Moreover, the USA is very friendly with India and may allow India, when it is in control of China, to be in a position to overtake the USA without the USA being jealous and raising all the tariffs and provocations against China. It is a win-win situation for India, with all ready-made goodies by China delivered on a platter, instead of India just drinking too much toddy and having wet dreams to overtake China and become a superpower.

Modi should aim high, not aim to sink. 



Anonymous said...

China will be doomed if it hires Indians to run their banks and global technology giants. Chinese banks run by Chinese are among the biggest in the world today, a feat that the USA held over the decades. Huawei, BYD, DJI are all run by Chinese engineers and scientist and have flourished and even done better than anyone else in the world.

So, is there any compelling reason for China to hire Indian CEOs to run their already highly successful banks and companies? The hiring of Indian CEOs probably is the reason for the decline of the USA generally.

Indians running Chinese banks will probably run them into the ground like they did in India. The Indian CEOs running Chinese banks in China may even entice them to open more branches in India, to be sold to Indian conglomerates like TATA later on or forced to take over failing Indian banks. Or the Indian Government may toggle their banking laws to take over Chinese bank branches and their assets or levied heavy fines to force them out of business in India.

Indians running Huawei or BYD will probably make them end up like Boeing or Intel, suffering failures one venture after another. Looks like the stranded astronauts on the International Space Station are not coming back to earth and will die of hunger soon. Russia is not going to help for geopolitical reasons. China is already banned from the ISS, a real blessing in disguise as no one can complain about China not giving any help.

How did USA astronauts return from the moon more than 60 years ago is indeed a mystery.

Anonymous said...

Only no talent USA and Singapore need to hire talented Indian CEOs to run their corporations.

Virgo49 said...

Sinking Land so called Half past sic oops six Elites and Top Itchy-elons
Only shall implement certain steps and rules to curb a lesson learnt from some incidents.

They, in their respective Ministeries shall Auto Pilot once they are appointed and cfmed safely in their Posts.

They do not keng their brains to think and implement what's ever fishy and hanky panky schemes others would try to cheat and create.

For example the Laundering Cases by the smarter than them beans.

This Chee is so naive to say that they shall make sure that the German Insurance Company would safeguard our policy holders.

They after acquiring the Majority Shares would listen to you ah?

After a period of time, go to Hell.

Go and fly kite.

Sinkies Land leaders are like kindergarten children.

Anonymous said...

Hire Indians to make them successful or make them successful then hire Indians? The West did that. I do not think the Chinese will do that. The Chinese have more talents than the Indians. I cannot say that about the Whites.

Anonymous said...

If Whites have talents, Rishi Sunak would not have become British PM. Unelected too!

Anonymous said...

Every country wants to progress like China. So does India. But India should just keep its lofty ambitions close to its chest instead of boasting about things that, on the basis of their present circumstances, impossible to achieve.

Perhaps the West is urging and egging India on to counter China and giving India misleading cues that will only make India the laughingstock of the world. There is yet another site claiming that India will be become even greater than China. I just wonder what they mean, but Indians in India must be lapping it up. Greater in population is a fact accompli, and everyone knows that. Greater in other areas is still a long way off. GDP, infrastructures, manufacturing, innovations are clear examples of how far India needs to change to pose any semblance of a chance to counter China. Building castles in the air is one thing, getting the castle built is a different thing altogether.

Anonymous said...

Global airlines like Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines are facing massive GST tax fines in India. India has suddenly discovered a way to fast track its GDP growth by imposing fines on foreign companies operating in India, LOL. So, Xiaomi is not the only company being taken to the cleaners by the Indian Government. India is taking a leaf from the USA. The USA can make use of its unlimited money printing privilege to grow its GDP, while India, not being able to do that is using tax weapons to skin foreign investors. Indian accounting is very innovative.

Anonymous said...

Fining and taxing those companies is small change. Taking over banks in India 100% is big money, with stupid investors not knowing what is happening or pretending not to know that their banks have been taken over by the Indians.