
Israel provoking Iran to strike back to attack Iran... Who is escalating the war?

 The assassination of a top Hamas leader on Iranian soil is going to escalate the conflict in the Middle East for sure. Iran will retaliate. Iran's top leader already gave the go ahead for that.

Killing a top Hamas leader in Iran is provocation of the highest order. The retaliation by Iran will undoubtedly be massive and Israel is in deep trouble. That retaliation by Iran recently over the assassination of its military leaders in Syria will be just a slap on the wrist by comparison. This retaliation is going to be really detrimental for Israel. Can the Israeli population stomach the pains of an all-out war and missiles raining all across the country?

The USA is denying its involvement in the assassination. The Iranians are not going to buy that. Iran's recent statement that it is reviewing its non-nuclear weapons stand because of religious constraints is making the USA and Israel nervous and paranoid. Analyst even suggest that Iran can have the nuke within weeks, which is even more telling and a good reason for the USA and Israel to light the fuse of war breaking out between Iran and Israel. Starting a war with Iran is the only way to put a stop to Irans's new nuclear ambition, if they can succeed. Is it a bet worth taking?

What is going to happen? Iran will retaliate and that is for sure. Hezbollah will step up its bombardment of the Golan Heights. The Houthis will not just be targeting Eilat with missiles. And in Gaza we can expect heavy fighting to resume with more civilian casualties, now standing at 40,000.

And one unknown factor is whether Russia will step in now and whether Iran already have nukes now or will be given help by Russia. 



Anonymous said...

You see how the USA is using propaganda and twisting the position in the Middle East to make Israel the victim now, with the coming retaliation by Iran.

The USA is asking the UN to put pressure on Iran not to escalate the Middle East conflict. The UN cannot be seen to be blind as to why Iran needs to retaliate when the Israelis are the ones wanting to expand the war in the Middle East to include Iran and Lebanon.

Iran is the main target of the USA and Israeli attempt to drag it into the conflict so that the USA and Israel can target Iran from going nuclear. If that assassination of the Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh on Iranian soil is not provocation, what else is? The reason for his assassination is clear and doing it on Iranian soil is just plain desperation to drag Iran into the conflict and gives the USA a reason to target Iran's plan to possess nukes. Now Iran must take that route of having nukes at all costs, just like North Korea to be safe.

The biggest irony is that Ismail Haniyeh was the material negotiator of the ceasefire deal between Hamas and the Israelis, and his assassination had been called 'madness' by some leaders. This clearly goes to show that the USA and Israel do not want peace in the Middle East by taking him out and instead wants to widen the war against the Islamic States.

Iran and other Islamic state should not be un-nerved by the Israelis talking about more intense retaliation should they attack Israel. This is just more of a rhetoric than substance. Ten months into the war in Gaza, and in spite of its military superiority and USA support, Israel has been unable to put Hamas out of business. Hamas is still alive and providing resistance. How many Hamas leaders have been reported killed, and yet others are rising to take over.

Iran has already proven well enough its ability to overcome the 'Iron Dome' myth, having put it to shame earlier. Israel should be worried this time around, with Hezbollah and the Houthis adding to the equation.

In my wild opinion, it is time for Iran and its allies to sink one USA carrier to put its invincibility to rest, just like putting the Israeli 'Iron Dome' boast into tatters. This is the time to do it, since the USA is posturing around the Gulf region once again with its aircraft carrier on standby. Leaving the job to the Houthis would be ideal.

Anonymous said...

Russia's IL-76 aircraft, known for transporting weapons, has landed in Tehran, Iran.

Anonymous said...

Iran may already have nukes! What is the problem when Russia already did that in Cuba in the sixties.

Russia, China, North Korea and Iran must form a 'military alliance' with the same terms and condition as the agreement that NATO had under Article 5, which states that any attack on any country in NATO is an attack on all. The time to do it is now.