
India stuck with most of the ills of a democratic system


 India is still stuck with most of the ills of a democratic system that is already failing in most Western countries. The Indian system is mired in excessive red tape when dealing with the Government, with corruption still rampant everywhere. Everything moves at a snail pace, while the Chinese high-speed train zoomed by. Both countries were at the same level in the seventies, but today China has a GDP about five times that of India. In the USA scheme of argument when they are losing, they always use the accusation that the Chinese must be on steroids or performance enhancing drugs with the Chinese being subjected to the most stringent testing at the Olympics, LOL.

But India, being the biggest democracy in the world cannot be seen to fail as a showpiece for democracy at work, and the West is egging India on by heaping praise on India and making the situation worse for India. India as the biggest democracy in the world cannot be allowed to fail, which will tarnish the ideals of democracy. The dying horse lying on the ground has to be flogged to rise and complete the race.

Not a few prominent Indian economist and industry leaders have seen the whole picture and commented on why India cannot rise to overtake China, the perennial Indian bogeyman, and they have been castigated for doing so. You see, Indians do not tolerate criticism. They only want to listen to the good stuff, which will make them happy and inflate their egos. While the Chinese work hard at their tasks instead of engaging in wasteful arguments all the time, the Indians like to spend more time arguing than working. I sometimes wonder whether Indians shaking their heads while talking is agreeing or disagreeing.

China never boasts about wanting to become the next superpower to overtake the USA. China just let the facts present themselves for the world to judge. But India likes to boast about wanting to become the next superpower, the next factory of the world, the next industrial power to overwhelm the Chinese. Talk is easy and that is why Indians love talking so much while achieving little. 



Anonymous said...

Why is India so poor today? The British stole almost US$ (or Sterling) 45 trillion during their rule in India. That is a lot of money in today's term. With that money the Brits were able to build or expand its infrastructures to show to the world its prosperity or stolen prosperity. What natural resources does the UK have to undertake such ventures? In fact, some even claimed that the Industrial Revolution in Little Britain was all funded upon their stolen wealth from India among others. And what is left of India today? Immense poverty! Remember also that the Brits inhuman history of shipping food back to England to feed its own kind due to shortage, leaving the Indians with starvation.

India is not the only country that the Brits plundered. In Africa, diamonds, precious metals were all mined and shipped back to England to adorn the British crown and provide resources for their Industrial Revolution. They call it the 'Crown Jewels', all stolen from Africa. And that is why Africa too is left poor by the Anglo-Saxon Whites during their colonization.

Now China also suffered much during the century of humiliation under the eight nations. Forced to open up the country to opium by the British because they wanted access to things like porcelain and spices which they could not resists, but having little means to pay for them, they forced the opium trade upon China in exchange. Moreover, many of China's artifacts were also stolen and are now in the British Museums, all loots from thievery from all over the world.

Anonymous said...

India must get rid of its bloated ego and concentrate on improving the country. Just look at their pre-occupation with creating a song and dance after each and every bronze medal. Now having its ego deflated losing to Pakistan the gold in Javelin. It was hard to swallow for them. India likes to compare with others in everything. What is the point of wasting valuable time.